FFKM耐高溫熱水全氟醚O型密封圈的簡單介紹耐高溫耐腐蝕全氟O型圈FFKM耐高溫熱水全氟醚O型密封圈的詳細信息FFKM-Hillraz全氟化橡膠 Perfluoroelastomers are used when a wide range of chemical resistance and high temperature resistance are required. Perfluoroelastomers are used if the chemical industry, oil and gas recovery, semiconductor processing, pharmaceutical and aerospace industries. Perfluoroelastomers are a terpolymer of perfluoromethylvinyl ether (PMVE), tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and a cure site monomer (CSM). With perfluoroelastomers the hydrogen atoms have been replaced with fluorine. The strong bond between the fluorine and the carbon atom is what makes this compound so chemically resistant and strong. Also there are no double bonds in the back bone of the molecule which leaves no place for ozone, UV light, oxygen and harsh chemicals to attack and break down the molecule
以上是FFKM耐高溫熱水全氟醚O型密封圈的詳細信息,如果您對FFKM耐高溫熱水全氟醚O型密封圈的價格、廠家、型號、圖片有任何疑問,請聯系我們獲取FFKM耐高溫熱水全氟醚O型密封圈的最新信息 |