901 GB/T 12616-1990 封閉型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 120 deg flush head break mandrel closed end blind rivets
902 GB/T 12617-1990 開口型沉頭抽芯鉚釘 120 deg flush head break mandrel blind rivets
903 GB/T 12618-1990 開口型扁圓頭抽芯鉚釘 Mushroom head break mandrel blind rivets
904 GB/T 12619-1990 抽芯鉚釘 技術條件 Specifications for break mandrel blind rivets
905 GB/T 12621-1990 管法蘭墊片 應力松弛試驗方法 Test method for stress relaxation of gaskets for pipe flanges
906 GB/T 12622-1990 管法蘭墊片 壓縮率及回彈率試驗方法 Test method for compressibility and recorery of gaskets for pipe flanges
907 GB/T 12759-1991 雙圓弧圓柱齒輪基本齒廓 Double-circular-arc tooth profile of basic rack for cylindrical gears
908 GB/T 12760-1991 圓柱蝸桿、蝸輪圖樣上應注明的尺寸數據 Cylindrical worm and wormwheel information of the dimensional data to be given on the drawing
909 GB/T 12764-1991 滾動軸承 沖壓外圈滾針軸承外形尺寸方案 Rolling bearings—Needle roller bearings, drawn cup, without inner ring—Boundary dimension plan
910 GB/T 12765-1991 關節軸承 安裝尺寸 Spherical plain bearings, joint type—Abutment and fillet dimensions
911 GB/T 12948-1991 滑動軸承 雙金屬結合強度破壞性試驗方法 Plain bearings—Metallic multilay er plain bearings—Destructive testing of bond for bearing metals
912 GB/T 12949-1991 滑動軸承 覆有減摩塑料層的雙金屬軸套 Plain bearings—Bimetallic bushes with plastic overlay
913 GB/T 13345-1992 軋機油膜軸承通用技術條件 General technical requirement of oil film bearing for rolling mill
914 GB/T 13401-1992 鋼板制對焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings
915 GB/T 13402-1992 大直徑碳鋼管法蘭 Large-diameter carbon steel pipe flanges
916 GB/T 13403-1992 大直徑碳鋼管法蘭用墊片 Gaskets for large-diameter cabon steel pipe flanges
917 GB/T 13404-1992 管法蘭用聚四氟乙烯包復墊片 Polytetrafluoroethylene envelope gaskets for pipe flanges
918 GB/T 13405-1992 汽車V帶輪 Grooved pulleys for automotive V-belt
919 GB/T 13575.1-1992 帶傳動--普通V帶傳動 Belt drives—Classical V-belt drives