IEA高級分析師Jean-Baptiste Dubreuil在發布該報告的網絡研討會上表示,“我們預計今年全球天然氣需求將出現反彈,我們認為這不僅足以抵消去年的影響,而且與2019年相比還會出現一些增加。”
“一些成熟市場,比如北美,今年不太可能出現全面復蘇,” Dubreuil如是說。
李峻 編譯自 天然氣新聞
Global gas demand to rise by 3.2% in 2021, offsetting 2020 losses: IEA
Global gas demand is expected to increase by 3.2% year on year in 2021, enough to more than offset the lost consumption in 2020, the International Energy Agency said in its latest quarterly market report published April 15.
Gas demand fell by 1.9% -- or some 75 Bcm -- in 2020, but recovery is expected this year, driven by demand in the industrial sector.
"We expect globally to see a rebound, sufficient in our view not only to offset last year but also show some growth compared with 2019," IEA senior analyst Jean-Baptiste Dubreuil said during a webinar presenting the report.
However, he said, the forecast demand growth was "highly fragile" and dependent on the path of global economic recovery.
Consumption in the industrial sector, which remained resilient in 2020 with an estimated 1.2% annual decline, is expected to take the lead in 2021 with 5.4% year-on-year growth -- close to 55 Bcm.
There is risk to this, however, because industrial demand is "intimately" related to GDP factors, Dubreuil said.
He added that while the picture is brightening for demand, especially in emerging markets, the recovery is "not the same" for all regions.
"Some mature markets -- such as North America -- are unlikely to see a full recovery this year," he said.
In the Q1 report, the IEA also said the prospect of a prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy "adds further uncertainty to the pace of short-term gas demand growth."