據世界天然氣網站4月15日消息 新加坡淡馬錫旗下的Pavilion能源公司表示,已向新加坡進口了一批碳中和液化天然氣。
用于抵消的碳信用來自自然氣候解決方案項目,這些項目根據經驗證的碳標準(VCS)和氣候、社區和生物多樣性標準(CCB)-秘魯Evio Kuinaji Ese’Eja Cuana等進行認證。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Pavilion imports Singapore’s first carbon-neutral LNG cargo
Temasek-owned Pavilion Energy said it has imported a carbon-neutral LNG cargo into Singapore.
The company said it is a milestone first import of the kind for Pavilion Energy and Singapore.
Carbon emissions associated with the LNG cargo from well-to-tank including the extraction, production, transportation, and regasification will be offset by retiring a corresponding amount of high-quality carbon credits sourced from its portfolio of carbon offset projects.
The carbon credits used for the offset are from Natural Climate Solutions projects certified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB) – Evio Kuinaji Ese’Eja Cuana in Peru,etc.
Both projects are designed for the protection and restoration of forests, and promote co-benefits through supporting local communities and protecting biodiversity.