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作者: 2021年04月14日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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  根據IMF 4月11日發布的最新統計數據,沙特阿拉伯平衡國家預算所需的盈虧平衡油價預計將從2020年的77.9美元/桶下降到今年的76.20美元/桶,并在2022年進一步下降到65.70美元/桶。





  IMF中東和中亞事務主任吉哈德·阿祖爾在4月11日的新聞發布會上說,“阿聯酋是該地區在早期接種疫苗方面最先進的國家之一”。他表示,“這使阿聯酋經濟得以適應第二波疫情浪潮沖擊,并應有助于經濟復蘇。”他說,計劃在今年10月在迪拜舉行的Expo 2020峰會“將為非石油經濟提供額外的推動。”

  李峻 編譯自 石油新聞


  Middle East oil exporters will see lower breakevens even as prices stall: IMF

  The breakeven oil prices that Middle Eastern countries need to balance their state budgets are largely projected to fall in 2021 and 2022 on expectations of higher oil prices and economic recoveries, according to the International Monetary Fund's regional outlook for Middle East and Central Asia.

  Saudi Arabia's breakeven price is expected to drop to $76.20/b this year from $77.90/b in 2020, and fall further to $65.70/b in 2022, according to IMF data released April 11.

  Meanwhile, Oman's breakeven price will fall to $72.30/b in 2021 from $95.80/b in 2020 while the UAE's breakeven price declines to $64.60/b from $68.20/b in 2020, the IMF said. In contrast, Kuwait's fiscal breakeven price is expected to inch up to $69.30/b in 2021 from $68.10/b in 2020, but decrease to $64.50/b in 2022. Iraq's breakeven price is projected to increase to $71.30/b in 2021 from $63.70/b last year.

  "Fiscal accounts deteriorated sharply across the region in 2020, reflecting lower revenue because of contracting domestic demand and the slump in oil prices, as well as policy support measures to mitigate the pandemic's impact," the IMF said in a report. "Oil exporters recorded a larger deterioration in their public finances than oil importers did, reflecting lower oil revenue."

  For the Middle East and North Africa region, fiscal deficits widened to 10.1% of GDP in 2020 from 3.8% in 2019, according to the IMF.

  Higher oil prices and early vaccine rollouts, especially in the UAE, support the improved outlook for many Gulf Cooperation Council economies, the IMF said.

  "UAE was one of the most advanced countries in the region in early inoculators" against the pandemic, Jihad Azour, the IMF's director of the Middle East and Central Asia, said at an April 11 press conference. "This allowed the UAE economy to adjust to the second wave" and should help the economic recovery, he said. Expo 2020, the international fair planned in Dubai in October this year, "will provide an additional boost to the non-oil economy," he said.

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標簽:中東石油 油價
