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作者: 2021年04月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據天然氣加工網站4月9日報道 瓦錫蘭正在與芬蘭邊防衛隊合作,測試生物液化天然氣作為海岸警衛隊巡邏船的燃料。其目的是減少溫室氣體(GHG)的排放,從而減輕對全球變暖的影響,這艘96米長的船只“圖爾瓦”號裝有瓦錫

據天然氣加工網站4月9日報道 瓦錫蘭正在與芬蘭邊防衛隊合作,測試生物液化天然氣作為海岸警衛隊巡邏船的燃料。其目的是減少溫室氣體(GHG)的排放,從而減輕對全球變暖的影響,這艘96米長的船只“圖爾瓦”號裝有瓦錫蘭雙燃料發動機,自2014年下水以來,一直得到瓦錫蘭維修協議的支持。生物液化天然氣燃料由芬蘭國有沼氣提煉廠Gasum提供。



瓦錫蘭海洋電力公司研發和工程部的Juha Kyt?l?表示:“瓦錫蘭正在大力投資開發替代清潔燃料技術,以推動整個航運業的脫碳。我們已開發出與使用這種燃料相兼容的發動機技術。液化天然氣已經被廣泛接受為一種可行的海洋燃料,我們認為生物液化天然氣是天然氣的下一步。因此,我們非常支持這項測試計劃。”


王磊 摘譯自 天然氣加工


Bio LNG fuel tested with W?rtsil? engines

W?rtsil? is cooperating with the Finnish Border Guard in the testing of Bio LNG as fuel for a Coastguard patrol vessel. The aim is to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, thereby lessening the impact on global warming. The 96 metre long vessel, the ‘Turva’, is fitted with W?rtsil? dual-fuel engines and has been supported with a W?rtsil? maintenance agreement since its launch in 2014. The Bio LNG fuel is supplied by Gasum, a Finnish state-owned biogas refiner.

After close evaluation of the Bio LNG fuel specifications provided by Gasum, W?rtsil? is confident that it represents a viable fuel choice for the multi-fuel capability of the W?rtsil? engines. Following this evaluation, the Finnish Border Guard opted to proceed with the testing programme.

“The strategy for the Border Guard’s fleet of patrol vessels is to switch to environmentally sustainable fuels wherever possible. Testing the Bio LNG in the ‘Turva’ is an important step forward in fulfilling this strategy,” says Commander Marko Aheristo from the Finnish Border Guard.

“W?rtsil? is investing heavily in the development of technology for alternative clean fuels that can drive decarbonisation throughout the shipping industry. We have developed our engine technology to be compatible with the use of such fuels. LNG is already broadly accepted as a viable marine fuel, and we see Bio LNG as a natural next step. We are, therefore, extremely supportive of this testing programme,” says Juha Kyt?l?, R&D and Engineering, W?rtsil? Marine Power.

Bio LNG is a 100 percent renewable fuel that can reduce CO2 emissions over its life cycle by up to 90 percent compared to conventional fuel. It emits no particulate matter (PM), and close to zero nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur oxides (SOx).

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