

作者: 2021年03月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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這些油輪裝載的原油包括沙特阿拉伯的阿拉伯輕質原油和阿拉伯超輕質原油、墨西哥的瑪雅原油、伊拉克的巴士拉輕質原油和哈薩克斯坦的CPC 混合原油,以及石腦油、航空燃油、輕油和燃料油等精煉產品。


李峻 編譯自 石油新聞


Suez Canal logjam has more than 320 ships waiting, further clogging up trade

The Suez Canal remains blocked by the Ever Given cargo vessel for a sixth consecutive day, with more than 320 ships -- including crude, product and chemical tankers, dry bulk carriers and container vessels -- waiting to transit the canal from both sides as of March 28, according to data.

By 1200 GMT, there were at least 28 crude tankers estimated to be carrying around 26 million barrels and 24 product and chemical tankers holding around 1 million mt waiting to navigate through the canal. Some ships have started to divert from their original trade routes and head the long way around the Cape of Good Hope.

The oil tankers are carrying crudes such as Saudi Arabia's Arab Light and Arab Extra Light,Mexico's Maya, Iraq's Basrah Light and Kazakhstan's CPC Blend, and also refined products including naphtha, jet fuel, gasoil and fuel oil.

The rerouting to the cape could add as many as 20 days to a voyage from the Middle East Gulf to Rotterdam that would normally go via Suez.

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標簽:油輪 鹿特丹港
