這兩個油田生產的是重質原油,而不是像布倫特和克萊爾那樣的輕質低硫原油,后者是布倫特基準原油的組成部分。克萊爾原油在設得蘭群島的Sullom Voe裝載,而斯希哈林原油則直接運往鹿特丹煉油廠進行加工。
李峻 編譯自 石油新聞
BP's flagship UK oil fields hit by production setbacks
BP's flagship Clair and Schiehallion oil fields in the UK West of Shetland area have both been performing below expectations, with remedial measures such as new drilling expected to take time to implement, minority stakeholder Chrysaor said in a March 18 statement.
Schiehallion and Clair, located in a harsh maritime environment in the eastern Atlantic, have both undergone multi-billion dollar upgrades in the last decade, with new production facilities installed in 2017 and 2018 respectively. BP has described the region as its main focus in terms of UK growth prospects, rather than the conventional North Sea.
However, Chrysaor, which holds stakes of 7.5% and 10% in Clair and Schiehallion respectively, noted both were encountering problems, in its annual report.
The fields produce heavy crude, rather than light sweet grades such as Brent and Clair that contribute to the Dated Brent benchmark, with Clair crude loaded at Sullom Voe in the Shetland Islands and Schiehallion crude shipped directly to Rotterdam for processing.