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作者: 2020年10月16日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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在周二發布的年度《世界能源展望》(World Energy Outlook)中,IEA在其核心情景(反映了IEA已宣布的政策意圖和目標)中表示,到2025年,可再生能源有望取代煤炭,成為主要的發電方式。


IEA執行干事法提赫·比羅爾(Fatih Birol)表示,我認為太陽能將成為世界電力市場的新霸主。根據目前的政策設置,2022年以后每年的部署都有望創新紀錄。

IEA表示,成熟的技術和支持機制已經削減了大型太陽能光伏項目的融資成本,從而幫助降低了整體發電成本。 太陽能光伏現在比大多數國家的新建燃煤或燃氣發電廠便宜。






郝芬 譯自 能源世界網


Solar the new 'king of electricity' as renewables make up bigger slice of supply: IEA

Solar output is expected to lead a surge in renewable power supply in the next decade, the International Energy Agency said, with renewables seen accounting for 80 per cent of growth in global electricity generation under current conditions.

In its annual World Energy Outlook on Tuesday, the IEA said in its central scenario - which reflects policy intentions and targets already announced - renewables are expected to overtake coal as the primary means of producing electricity by 2025.

The combined share of solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind in global generation will rise to almost 30 per cent in 2030 from 8 per cent in 2019, it said, with solar PV capacity growing by an average 12 per cent a year.

"I see solar becoming the new king of the world's electricity markets," IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said. "Based on today's policy settings, it is on track to set new records for deployment every year after 2022."

Maturing technology and support mechanisms have cut financing costs for major solar PV projects, the IEA said, helping to bring down output costs overall. Solar PV is now cheaper than new coal- or gas-fired power plants in most countries, it said.

Power generation from renewables is the only major source of energy that continued to grow in 2020, the Paris-based agency added.

A more ambitious scenario, including for instance the adoption of net-zero emissions targets by 2050, would see PV electricity generation perform more strongly still, the report said.

Despite the increase in solar and wind power, carbon emissions are projected to pick up in 2021 after a 2.4 gigatonne (Gt) drop in 2020, and to exceed 2019 levels in 2027 before growing to 36 Gt in 2030, it added.

The IEA said gaps remain in many cases between long-term ambitions and specific near-term plans to curb emissions.

Integrating new wind and solar power will depend on adequate investment in all parts of the system, including distribution networks, the report added.

But revenue shortfalls - potentially arising from lower-than-expected demand, non-payment of bills, or the detoriating finances of utilities in developing economies - could make power grids a weak link.

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標簽:太陽能 電力之王 可再生能源
