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作者: 2020年10月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據天然氣新聞2020年10月12日迪拜報道,國有沙迦國家石油公司(SNOC)首席執行官Hatem al-Mosa近日告訴記者,盡管發生了新冠肺炎疫情以及意大利石油巨頭埃尼公司削減了資本支出和成本,這家意大利石油公司仍將在阿聯酋

據天然氣新聞2020年10月12日迪拜報道,國有沙迦國家石油公司(SNOC)首席執行官Hatem al-Mosa近日告訴記者,盡管發生了新冠肺炎疫情以及意大利石油巨頭埃尼公司削減了資本支出和成本,這家意大利石油公司仍將在阿聯酋第3大酋長國沙迦酋長國繼續推進一個天然氣項目。


Hatem al-Mosa表示:“我們沒有看到埃尼公司對其所占開發份額的融資產生任何影響。”“自從獲得馬哈尼天然氣發現以來,我們一直在實施我們的投產這口氣田的計劃,同時制定旨在劃定已發現氣田界限的計劃。”




李峻 編譯自 天然氣新聞


Eni going ahead with Sharjah gas project despite COVID-19, capex cuts: UAE's SNOC

Eni is going ahead with a gas project in the UAE's third largest emirate despite COVID-19 and the Italian company's capital expenditures and cost cuts, the CEO of state-owned Sharjah National Oil Corp., or SNOC,said.

Eni is a partner with SNOC in Block B in Sharjah, where it discovered the Mahani reservoir, with the first drilled well achieving flow rates of up to 50 MMcf/d of lean gas and associated condensate, SNOC and Eni said in January. Sharjah is one of the seven emirates that forms the UAE.

"We have not seen any impact from Eni on the financing of their share of the development," said Hatem al-Mosa. "Since that discovery, we have been moving with our plans to bring the well on stream while making plans for delineating the discovered reservoir and finding out how big it is."

Eni announced on July 20 capital spending cuts of Eur2.6 billion ($3.1 billion), mainly in its upstream business, due to the collapse in oil prices a Eni's planned capital spending is about 35% lower than its original budget for 2020 and 30% lower for 2021, with Eur2.4 billion in anticipated cuts next year. The curtailments are "almost fully focused on the E&P segment," Eni said at the time.

CEO Claudio Descalzi said operational cost cutting of Eur1.4 billion both this year and next will also put the company in better shape, given "great signs of uncertainty still to come."

nd the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

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