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作者: 2020年10月15日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據ICIS-MRC網站10月12日莫斯科報道,根據烴加工參考越南Dung Quat煉油廠的聲明稱,由現代工程建設公司(Hyundai Engineering & Construction)和德西尼布意大利公司(Technip Italy)領導的兩家財團正在競標一個價值

據ICIS-MRC網站10月12日莫斯科報道,根據烴加工參考越南Dung Quat煉油廠的聲明稱,由現代工程建設公司(Hyundai Engineering & Construction)和德西尼布意大利公司(Technip Italy)領導的兩家財團正在競標一個價值18億美元的項目,以升級和擴建越南的Dung Quat煉油廠。

Binh Son煉油和石化公司在一份聲明中表示,該項目將使該煉油廠的原油年產能提高30%至850萬噸,即每天17萬桶。




這個位于中部省份Quang Ngai的日產13萬桶的煉油廠于2009年開始商業運營。該煉油廠最初主要用于加工越南Bach Ho油田的原油,該油田的產量已達頂峰。

據Binh Son稱,現代E&C領導的財團也由現代工程公司組成。 另一個財團包括Technip意大利公司、Technip地質生產公司、Technip法國公司、越南國家石油技術服務公司和Lilama公司。

Binh Son表示,該煉油廠的擴建和升級工作將于2021年8月開始。

郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC


Hyundai E&C, Technip lead groups in bids to expand Vietnam refinery

Two consortiums led by Hyundai Engineering & Construction and Technip Italy are bidding for a USD1.8 billion project to upgrade and expand Vietnam’s Dung Quat refinery, according to Hydrocarbonprocessing with reference to the owner of the plant's statement.

Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical said in a statement the project would raise the refinery’s capacity by 30% to 8.5 million tons of crude oil a year, or 170,000 barrels per day (bpd).

A company source told Reuters on Thursday the company would name the winner of the bid in about a month.

The source added that the refinery was running at full capacity after it was restarted more than a week ago following a 50-day shutdown for maintenance.

“The expansion and upgrade of the refinery is a necessary and urgent task to ensure the flexible, stable and efficient operations of the refinery, enabling it to process more types of crude oil,” the company said in the statement.

The 130,000-bpd refinery in the central province of Quang Ngai started commercial operations in 2009. It was originally designed to process mostly crude oil from Vietnam’s Bach Ho field, whose production has peaked.

The Hyundai E&C-led consortium also consists of Hyundai Engineering Co., according to Binh Son. The other consortium includes Technip Italy, Technip Geoproduction, Technip France, PetroVietnam Technical Services Corp. and Lilama Corp.

Binh Son said work on the expansion and upgrade of the refinery would start in August 2021.

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標簽:煉油廠 Bach Ho油田 擴建 升級
