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作者: 2020年09月29日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據全球能源網9月24日消息稱,阿聯酋可再生能源公司馬斯達爾已收購ib vogt GmbH在埃及本班市64.1MWp光伏項目中的股份。馬斯達爾和ib vogt還就購買ib vogt的股份簽署了意向書,這些股份也位于本班市太陽能園區內的另外

據全球能源網9月24日消息稱,阿聯酋可再生能源公司c已收購ib vogt GmbH在埃及本班市64.1MWp光伏項目中的股份。馬斯達爾和ib vogt還就購買ib vogt的股份簽署了意向書,這些股份也位于本班市太陽能園區內的另外三個太陽能公園中,總容量為166.5 MWp。


該項目是由ib vogt與合作伙伴Infinity能源公司共同開發、建造和運營。

馬斯達爾首席執行官Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi說道:“這項對馬斯達爾的戰略投資標志著我們與Infinity能源公司的首次合作。我們在該地區看到了許多合作機會,并將繼續與Infinity能源公司密切合作,爭取在未來取得成功。我們也感謝ib vogt的專業精神和對我們公司在埃及的戰略交易的支持,并期待與該公司進行其他重大合作機會。”


曹海斌 摘譯自 全球能源網


Masdar acquires solar power plant in Egypt

Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, has acquired ib vogt GmbH’s shareholding in the 64.1 MWp photovoltaic project in Benban, Egypt. Masdar and ib vogt have additionally signed agreements of intent concerning the purchase of ib vogt’s shareholdings in three more solar parks also located in the Benban solar complex, which have a combined volume of 166.5 MWp.

The solar plant, inaugurated in early 2018, was the first large-scale PV power plant built in Egypt and the first to mark what would later become the Benban Solar Development Complex, one of the largest utility-scale grid-connected solar power complexes in the world. It represents a landmark in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in the MENA region.

The project was jointly developed, built and has been operated by ib vogt together with its partner Infinity Energy S.A.E.

“This strategic investment for Masdar marks our first collaboration with Infinity Energy. We see numerous opportunities for our partnership in this region and continue to work closely with Infinity Energy on the future success of Infinity Power,” said Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar. “We also thank ib vogt for its professionalism and support on this strategic transaction for our company in Egypt and look forward to engage on other major opportunities with the company.”

Masdar established the Infinity Power joint venture with Infinity Energy, Egypt’s leading renewable energy developer, to develop utility-scale and distributed solar energy and wind power projects in Egypt and Africa.

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