埃克森美孚液化天然氣市場發展公司總裁Irtiza Sayyed表示,盡管世界仍在努力應對市場需求和新冠疫情的嚴重影響,但不斷增長的人口和能源需求仍支撐著長期基本面。
根據國際能源論壇(International Energy Forum)預計,今年全球天然氣需求將下降約3%,此后將強勁復蘇。
切尼爾營銷公司(Cheniere Marketing Pte. Ltd)副總裁Douglas Wharton告訴Gastech,隨著全球經濟的增長,液化天然氣行業現在和將來都將保持高速增長,特別是在亞洲,人們渴望安全、廉價和清潔的燃料。
伍德麥肯齊(Wood Mackenzie)表示,未來十年LNG需求增長的三分之二將來自中國,印度,巴基斯坦和孟加拉國。
Poten & Partners公司的天然氣和液化天然氣顧問蔡銘表示,預計到2040年,中國的天然氣年需求將超過6000億立方米,而今年的需求僅略高于3000億立方米。
郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網
Global LNG Demand to Rise for Next Few Decades, COVID Temporary Blip
Demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is set to increase steadily for several decades helped by economic growth in Asia, industry executives told the Gastech summit this week, with the COVID-19 pandemic seen as only a short-term setback.
While the world continues to grapple with the severe impacts of market demand and the impact of COVID-19, long-term fundamentals remain strong supported by growing population and energy demand,” Irtiza Sayyed, president, ExxonMobil LNG Market Development Inc, said.
Global gas demand is forecast to decline by around 3% in 2020 and make a robust recovery after that, according to International Energy Forum.
With the world seeking cleaner energy sources to reduce pollution and CO2 emissions, gas and LNG are expected to provide the corridor to a net-zero future.
“LNG is and will remain a high-growth industry based on a growing economy worldwide, particularly in Asia, with a desire for secure, affordable and cleaner-burning fuels,” Douglas Wharton, vice president, Cheniere Marketing Pte. Ltd., told Gastech.
The global gas and LNG conference, launched in London in 1972, was held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be held in Singapore next year.
Cheniere forecasts LNG trade demand will grow by an average 3.4% a year between 2019 and 2040, with additional supply required to achieve such growth.
Some executives at the summit said that as coronavirus had reduced investment in new production, supply may not recover as fast as demand.
Around two thirds of the growth in LNG demand in the next decade will come from China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, according to Wood Mackenzie.
Industry executives from India said LNG demand in their countries is growing this year, while most speakers agreed China will be the key driving force for LNG demand in coming decades.
China’s gas demand is expected to exceed 600 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year by 2040, up from just over 300 bcm per year in 2020, according to Ming Cai, natural gas and LNG consultant at Poten & Partners.