全球最大的獨立石油交易商維多集團(Vitol Group)也預計,今年剩余時間里全球原油庫存將繼續下降,這與其競爭對手和許多分析師不同,后者認為市場供過于求的情況將越來越嚴重。
全球最大的獨立原油貿易上維多集團首席執行官Russell Hardy近日在接受彭博社記者采訪時表示,全球原油庫存自今年夏初達到12億桶峰值以來迄今已減少了大約3億桶,預計9月至12月期間庫存將再減少2.5億 -3億桶。
李峻 編譯自 油價網
Bullish Goldman Sachs Expects Brent To Hit $49 By Year-End
Goldman Sachs is bullish on oil, expecting the market to be in a deficit of around 3 million barrels per day (bpd) by the fourth quarter and Brent Crude prices to recover to $49 a barrel by the end of this year, from $43 early on Friday.
According to a new report from Goldman analysts, carried by Reuters, the recent floating storage of oil is more "transient inventory allocation dynamics" instead of a signal of a new glut.
"We estimate that the oil market remains in deficit with speculative positioning now at too low levels," Goldman Sachs said, keeping its Brent Crude target at $49 by end-2020 and $65 by the third quarter of 2021.
Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs forecast Brent Crude to reach $65 a barrel in the third quarter of 2021, although it could end next year lower, at $58 a barrel.
Goldman Sachs also expects WTI Crude to rally to $55.88 a barrel by the third quarter of 2021, up from $51.38 a barrel in earlier forecasts.
"There is a growing likelihood that vaccines will become widely available starting next spring, helping support global growth and oil demand, especially jet," the Goldman analysts said earlier this month, and are keeping that view.
Vitol Group, the world's largest independent oil trader, also expects global oil inventories to continue drawing down for the rest of the year, unlike its rivals and many analysts who see a growing glut on the market.
The world's stockpiles of oil have diminished by around 300 million barrels since peaking at 1.2 billion barrels early this summer, and are expected to decline by another 250 million-300 million barrels between September and December, Vitol's chief executive officer Russell Hardy told Bloomberg in an interview earlier this week.
Vitol looks more bullish on oil's short-term prospects than another major commodity trader, Trafigura, which expects a "supply-heavy" market through the end of the year, with inventories building by the end of 2020 as demand recovery stalls.