但在全球范圍內,化石燃料需求可能永遠無法恢復到疫情前的水平,因為該疫情加速了能源業務的“根本性重組。 在這三種情況下,化石燃料的份額將從2018年占一次能源總需求的85%下降到2050年的20%-65%。
該報告稱,印度4月份的燃料銷售減少了一半多,因為全國范圍的封鎖將人們限制在家中,并停止了幾乎所有的經濟活動。在政府于6月開始解除限制之后,需求飆升至接近鎖定前水平的80%,但在8月卻出現疲軟,較上年同期下降15.6%。未來30年,石油需求將下降。 下降的規模和速度是由公路運輸的效率提高和電氣化推動的。并補充道,天然氣的前景比石油更具彈性,其基礎是天然氣在支持快速增長的發展中經濟體脫碳和減少對煤炭的依賴方面所起的作用。
郝芬 譯自 能源世界網
Fossil fuel usage set to drop for 1st time
India’s thirst for fossil fuels willincrease by a big margin, even though globally, consumption will shrink for the first time in modern history through 2050 as climate initiatives propel renewable energy while the coronavirus pandemic leaves a lasting scar on demand, the benchmark BP Energy Outlook 2020 said on Monday.
The outlook saw India’s primary energy consumption growing by 2.5 per cent between 2018 and 2050 and 0.3 per cent globally. It sees India’s oil consumption more than doubling to 10 million barrels by 2050 under the ‘business-as-usual’ scenario. But gas demand is seen jumping from 58 bcm (billion cubic meters) to 357 bcm under the ‘rapid’ scenario. “India’s combined oil and gas imports more than double by 2050, driven in part by increased coal-to-gas switching which leads to a marked deepening in India’s dependence on imported LNG,” the outlook said.
Globally, fossil fuel demand may not rise to pre-Covid levels
Though the report sees growth in China’s energy demand slowing sharply relative to past trends — peaking in the early 2030s — it will still remain the largest market for energy in all scenarios, including ‘net zero’, to account for over 20 per cent of the world’s energy demand in 2050. This will be almost twice that of India.
But globally, fossil fuel demand may never recover to pre-coronavirus levels as the pandemic hastens “fundamental restructuring” of the energy business. The share of fossil fuels is set to decline from 85 per cent of total primary energy demand in 2018 to between 20 per cent and 65 per cent by 2050 in the three scenarios, it said.
India’s fuel sales more than halved in April as the countrywide lockdown confined people to their homes and shut almost all economic activities. Demand shot up to nearly 80 per cent of the pre-lockdown level after the government began lifting curbs in June but faltered in August, down 15.6 per cent from the year-ago period. “Demand for oil falls over the next 30 years. The scale and pace of this decline is driven by the increasing efficiency and electrification of road transportation,” the report said, adding the outlook for natural gas was more resilient than for oil, underpinned by its role in supporting fast-growing developing economies as they de-carbonised and reduced their reliance on coal.