據天然氣加工&液化天然氣2020年9 月9日報道,美國能源信息署(EIA)日前在其最新一期的短期能源展望(STEO)報告中表示,由于新冠肺炎疫情導致的封鎖降低了經濟活動和能源價格,今年美國天然氣產量和需求量將從去年的創紀錄高位下滑。
EIA預計,美國今年和明年的干氣日產量將從去年創最高紀錄的922.1億立方英尺分別下降到 898.8億立方英尺和865.9億立方英尺。
EIA還預計,美國今年和明年天然氣日消費量將從去年創紀錄的849.7億立方英尺分別降至826.8 億立方英尺和791.4 億立方英尺。
李峻 編譯自 Gas Processing & LNG
U.S. natgas output, demand to fall in 2020 from peaks due to coronavirus
U.S. natural gas production and demand will drop in 2020 from record highs last year as coronavirus lockdowns cut economic activity and energy prices, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in its Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
The EIA projected dry gas production will drop to 89.88 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2020 and 86.59 bcfd in 2021 from the all-time high of 92.21 bcfd in 2019.
It also projected gas consumption would fall to 82.68 bcfd in 2020 and 79.14 bcfd in 2021, from a record 84.97 bcfd in 2019.
That would be the first annual decline in consumption since 2017 and the first time demand has fallen for two consecutive years since 2006.
The agency forecast U.S. liquefied natural gas exports would reach 6.27 bcfd in 2020 and 8.73 bcfd in 2021, up from a record 4.98 bcfd in 2019. That is higher than its August forecasts of 5.54 bcfd in 2020 and 7.28 bcfd in 2021.