根據協議,英國石油公司將購買Equinor公司在美國東海岸的Empire Wind和Beacon Wind資產50%的股份,總價為11億美元,然后進行調整。
目前,Equinor持有位于紐約州沿海的Empire Wind租賃區和位于馬薩諸塞州沿海的Beacon Wind租賃區100%權益。
BP首席執行官伯納德·盧尼(Bernard Looney)表示:“這是實施新戰略的重要一步,也是實現真正成為綜合能源公司的關鍵。全球海上風力發電以每年20%左右的速度增長,被認為是滿足世界限制排放需求的核心部分。Equinor是業內公認的領導者,我們的合作關系建立在兩家公司之間的悠久歷史之上。它將在幫助我們實現快速擴大可再生能源產能的目標方面發揮至關重要的作用,并在此過程中幫助提供世界所需的能源。”
該協議是在英國石油公司宣布其新戰略后一個月發布的,該戰略包括旨在將其年度低碳投資增加10倍至每年約50億美元,并將其已開發的可再生能源發電能力從2019年的2.5吉瓦增長到2030年的約50GW 。
Empire Wind租賃區于2016年授予Equinor,位于長島東南15-30英里處,總面積為80,000英畝。該地區將分兩個階段開發。
Empire Wind第一階段在2019年7月的招標中獲得了承購協議,并將擁有60至80臺渦輪機。 整個Empire Wind租賃區的潛在發電量為2吉瓦,可供逾100萬戶家庭使用。
Beacon Wind覆蓋了新英格蘭海岸128,000英畝的聯邦水域,在南塔開特以南約20英里,蒙托克角以東60英里。全面開發后,預計總發電量將達到2.4吉瓦,足以為美國東北部100多萬戶家庭提供電力。
Empire Wind第一階段首批電力預計將在本世紀20年代中期開始供應,第二階段正在為即將到來的招標做準備。Beacon Wind還將為未來的招標機會進行開發,并將開始審查程序,以確保該項目獲得所有必要的許可。
郝芬 譯自 OE網站
BP Buys into Equinor's U.S. Offshore Wind Business for $1.1B
Norwegian company Equnior and the British BP have entered into a strategic partnership to develop offshore wind projects in the US.
Under the agreement, BP will buy a 50% stake in Equinor's Empire Wind and Beacon Wind assets on the US east coast for a total consideration before adjustments of USD 1.1 billion.
Through this transaction, the two companies are also establishing a strategic partnership for further growth within the offshore wind sector in the US.
Currently, Equinor holds a 100% interest in both the Empire Wind lease, located off the coast of New York State and the Beacon Wind lease, located off the Massachusetts coast.
Bernard Looney, BP’s chief executive, said: “This is an important early step in the delivery of our new strategy and our pivot to truly becoming an integrated energy company. Offshore wind is growing at around 20% a year globally and is recognized as being a core part of meeting the world’s need to limit emissions. Equinor is a recognized sector leader and this partnership builds on a long history between our two companies. It will play a vital role in allowing us to deliver our aim of rapidly scaling up our renewable energy capacity, and in doing so help deliver the energy the world wants and needs.”
Equinor said the transaction was in line with its renewable strategy to access attractive acreage early and at scale, mature projects, and capture value by de-risking high equity ownership positions.
Equinor will remain the operator of the projects in the two leases through the development, construction, and operations phases and it is anticipated that the wind farms will be equally staffed by BP and Equinor, after a period of time.
"We look forward to working with BP who share our strong ambition to grow in renewable energy. Our partnership underlines both companies’ strong commitment to accelerate the energy transition and combining our strengths will enable us to grow a profitable offshore wind business together in the US,” says chief executive officer in Equinor, Eldar S?tre.
The agreement comes a month after bp announced its new strategy, including aims to increase its annual low carbon investment 10-fold to around $5 billion a year and grow its developed renewable generating capacity from 2.5 gigawatts (GW) in 2019 to around 50GW by 2030.
The Empire Wind lease area, which was awarded to Equinor in 2016, is 15-30 miles southeast of Long Island and has a total area of 80,000 acres. The area will be developed in two phases.
Empire Wind phase 1 secured an offtake agreement in the July 2019 solicitation and will have between 60 and 80 turbines. The whole Empire Wind lease area has a potential generation capacity of 2GW with a generating capacity of more than one million homes.
Beacon Wind covers a total area of 128,000 acres of federal waters off New England’s coast, approximately 20 miles south of Nantucket and 60 miles east of Montauk Point. When fully developed it is expected to have a total generating capacity of 2.4GW, sufficient to provide power to more than a million households in the Northeast US.
First power from Empire Wind’s phase 1 is expected in the mid-2020s and phase 2 is preparing for upcoming solicitations. Beacon Wind will also be developed for future solicitation opportunities and will begin a review process to secure all necessary permits for the project.