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作者: 2020年09月07日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據9月3日Al Arabiya報道,周日,沙特能源大臣阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲·本·薩勒曼·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲王子通過沙特官方通訊社宣布,沙特阿拉伯國家石油公司在該國北部發現了兩個新的油氣田。分別為Al-Jawf地區的“Hadat A

據9月3日Al Arabiya報道,周日,沙特能源大臣阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲·本·薩勒曼·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲王子通過沙特官方通訊社宣布,沙特阿拉伯國家石油公司在該國北部發現了兩個新的油氣田。分別為Al-Jawf地區的“Hadat Al-Hajrah”氣田,以及北部邊境地區的“Abraq Al-Talul”油田。

阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲表示,天然氣從沙特西北部Sakaka東部Haddah al-Hajrah油田的al-Sarara油藏流出,速度為每天1600萬立方英尺,同時還有大約1944桶凝析油。沙特阿美將繼續評估這兩個油田的石油、天然氣和凝析油的儲量,此外還將鉆探更多油井來確定面積和規模。


王佳晶 摘譯自 Al Arabiya


Here’s why no one is buying US shale oil assets

Saudi Aramco has discovered two new oil and gas fields in the north of the Kingdom, announced the Minister of Energy Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz via the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Sunday.

The fields have been named the "Hadat Al-Hajrah" gas field in the Al-Jawf region, and the "Abraq Al-Talul" oil field in the northern border region.

Prince Abdulaziz told SPA that the gas flowed from the al-Sarara reservoir in the Haddah al-Hajrah field, east of Sakaka in northwestern Saudi Arabia, at a rate of 16 million standard cubic feet per day, accompanied by about 1,944 barrels of condensates.

Aramco will continue to work on assessing the quantities of oil, gas and condensate in the two fields, in addition to digging more wells to determine their area and size, added Prince Abdulaziz.

Saudi Aramco is the world's most valuable company and pumps more oil on a daily basis than any other producer in the world. Its biggest markets are in Asia, where it sent over 70 percent of its exports before the global slowdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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標簽:石油 天然氣 凝析油 油氣田
