印度斯坦石油公司(Hindustan Petroleum)董事長蘇拉納(M K Surana)表示,柴油銷售仍然受到影響,由于工業活動尚未完全恢復,庫存消失后,原材料和產品流動需要企穩。他最近對TOI表示,沒有休閑旅行,低航空飛行率和火車運營意味著旅行者減少了出租車的使用。
一旦6月份的封鎖政策放松,汽油銷量將躍升至去年同期的83%,柴油銷量躍升至去年同期的85%。 然而,由于航班運營受限,航空燃油的銷售仍保持在2019年6月水平的32%的低位。但是,7月份柴油銷量下降至去年同期的75%,汽油降至83%。而航空燃油的銷售量較去年同期增長35%。
郝芬 譯自 能源世界網
Petrol demand at 92 per cent of year ago period
India’s fuel demand has started crawling up after faltering in July, with petrol consumption reaching nearly 92 per cent of the year-ago period but diesel consumption continued to skid as widespread rains, floods and local lockdowns in industrialised states combined to scupper demand from farm, construction and transport sectors.
Latest industry data showed August petrol sales rising to 2,140 tmt (thousand metric tonnes), an increase of 6 per cent from the July volume, as more curbs were eased and people increasingly opted for personal vehicles to get around. Similarly, jet fuel sales rebounded to 238 tmt, or 8 per cent higher than a month ago, as the number of flights increased.
But diesel sales, a key indicator of economic activity since it is mainly used in the farm, transport and construction sectors, dropped to 4,257 tmt, or 12 per cent lower than July.
According to Hindustan Petroleum chairman M K Surana, diesel sales remained affected because industrial activity was not yet back fully and flow of material and products needed to stabilise after the ready stocks were gone. “There is no leisure travel. Low flight and train operations means lesser use of taxis by travellers,” he told TOI recently.
Once the lockdown was eased in June, petrol sales jumped to 83 per cent and diesel to 85 per cent of their year-ago levels. Jet fuel sales, however, remained subdued at 32 per cent of June 2019 level due to limited flight operations. But July saw diesel sales dropping to 75 per cent and petrol 83 per cent of their year-ago levels. Jet fuel sales gained marginal ground at 35 per cent of the year-ago period.
Industry watchers said the recovery from 50 per cent to 80-90 per cent was quick but it would take some time to reach 100 per cent.