所有這些對投資者來說也是好消息。雖然大型石油公司今年受挫,但像Enphase能源公司、特斯拉和Jinko 太陽能公司這樣的清潔能源公司卻蓬勃發展。
就Jinko Solar而言,其股價從12.51美元的低點升至22.71美元,幾乎翻了一番。而Enphase Energy是世界領先的太陽能技術公司之一,其股價在短短幾個月內從3月的23.99美元的低點飆升至76.98美元的年度高點,股價上漲了220%,令人震驚。
王佳晶 摘譯自 今日油價
Which Is The Better Investment: Big Oil Or Renewables?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shot holes in every industry on the planet, but in particular, the energy industry. It has highlighted our shortcomings and our failures to move beyond fossil fuels in a way that should act as a giant red flag to not only the politicians in charge, but also investors looking to keep their money safe going forward. We are in a precarious position at the moment, and the policies enacted now, and the technology we choose to invest in for the future have the potential to create a more sustainable world if we make the right choice.
The “new energy order” is a phrase that has been tossed around a lot in recent months, but it’s not without merit. Currently, the world, and its various economies, is hyper-dependent on non-renewable fossil fuel resources. And as we saw back in March when oil prices turned negative for the first time in history, that’s not a good thing. Oil-dependant economies took a devastating blow - many of which are still struggling to bounce back.
But now, despite all of the doom and gloom, the world has the opportunity to make a truly meaningful change.
Does this mean giving up on oil entirely? Absolutely not. Oil is still a vital part of our energy mix - and moreover - a vital part of many-an-economy. Giving up on oil would leave hundreds of thousands of people jobless and entire countries without much-needed revenue to keep their economies growing.
That doesn’t mean we should go all-in on oil either, however.
As stimulus bills are rolled out across the world to create jobs, help sustain entire populations, and keep businesses afloat, there are a number of countries pushing a new green agenda. From subsidies to investments in solar, wind, and other renewable projects, this green push will play a vital role in paving the way towards a greener tomorrow. And help stimulate the economy in the process.
Solar and wind power will help lower utility bills for struggling Americans. Government investment in the renewable industry could create hundreds of thousands of jobs for people who are desperate to get back to work. And perhaps most importantly, these projects will help cut carbon-emissions going forward, allowing us to potentially curb the risk of looming climate disaster.
All of this is great news for investors, as well. While Big Oil stumbled this year, clean companies such as Enphase Energy, Tesla, and Jinko Solar have flourished.
Jinko Solar, for its part, saw its share price nearly double from a low of $12.51 to $22.71 at the time of writing.
Enphase Energy, one of the world’s leading solar tech companies, saw its share price jump from a March low of $23.99 to a yearly high of $76.98 in just a few months, representing a shocking 220 percent rise in its share price.
The story of the year, however, might be with Tesla. The global electric vehicle giant soared from a $361.22 low back in march to a headline-grabbing $2277.48 today.
While not all alternative energy companies have fared as well, there is not a single fossil fuel company that has defied the wider market like these examples.
Renewable energy might not have the glam & glitz of Big Oil’s history in the markets, but it’s clear the winds of change are blowing, and investors are beginning to take note.