據美國鉆井網站2020年8月7日報道,全球商業咨詢服務多元化供應商IHS Markit日前把今明兩年布倫特原油的平均價格預測分別上調到了每桶42.35美元和每桶49.25美元,比其5月份的預測每桶分別上漲了7.09美元和5.25美元。
IHS Markit日前在發給美國鉆井網站的一份聲明中表示,石油市場已回到“相對穩定的位置”,布倫特原油價格在每桶40-45美元的窄幅區間內排徊。
IHS Markit補充說,除非“大量的”第二波病例導致廣泛的經濟封閉,其預計布倫特原油的平均價格將保持在40美元至47美元,平均起來,在未來4個季度,這種大宗商品的價格“最終”可能在2021年下半年突破每桶50美元。
IHS Markit指出,石油市場目前正處于一個“微妙的轉折點”,正在向IHS Markit在5月份強調的3個復蘇階段中的第2個復蘇階段過渡。根據IHS Markit的數據,在第2個復蘇階段中,全球過剩的原油庫存被減少,而供應也隨著備用供應產能的恢復而增加。
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
IHS Markit Raises Oil Price Forecast|
IHS Markit has raised its average Brent price outlook to $42.35 per barrel in 2020 and $49.25 per barrel in 2021 – an increase of $7.09 per barrel and $5.25 per barrel, respectively, from the company’s May outlook.
In a statement sent to Rigzone on Thursday, IHS Markit said oil markets had returned to “relatively stable ground” with Brent prices within a narrow $40 to $45 per barrel range. The company added that, barring a “large” second wave of Covid-19 cases driving widespread economic shutdowns, it expects Brent will stay within a $40 to $47 per barrel range, on average, over the next four quarters and projected that the commodity could “conclusively” pass the $50 per barrel mark in the second half of 2021.
IHS Markit noted that oil markets are now at a “delicate pivot point” as they transition to phase two of the three phases of recovery the company highlighted back in May. According to IHS Markit, phase two is a phase in which surplus inventories are worked down in parallel with rising supply as spare supply capacity returns.