在美國,馬拉松石油公司將關閉位于加州和新墨西哥州的煉油廠,以應對需求下滑。費城能源解決方案公司(Philadelphia Energy Solutions)在去年夏天發生火災和一系列爆炸后關閉了旗下一家加工能力為33.5萬桶/日的煉油廠,并將其賣給了一家房地產開發商。據路透社計算,這三家煉油廠的加工能力合計為52.3萬桶/日,占美國煉油總產能的近3%,美國煉油總產能已降至1,850萬桶/天。
張春曉 摘譯自 烴加工在線
U.S. refining capacity poised for first big drop in nearly a decade
U.S. oil refining capacity this year could decline by the largest amount in nearly a decade as pandemic-related travel curbs and a fire shut several plants, reversing years of small gains.
Refiners globally have been idling plants as the COVID-19 pandemic slashed fuel demand as much as 30%. In the United States, Marathon Petroleum Corp will close California and New Mexico plants in response to the demand slump.
Philadelphia Energy Solutions closed and sold its refinery to a property developer after a fire and series of explosions tore through the plant last summer.
The three processed a combined 523,000 barrels per day of oil, or nearly 3% of total U.S. refining, reducing capacity to 18.5 million bpd, according to Reuters calculations.