美國Sycar公司與一家未具名的LNG貿易公司合作,打算安裝一個浮動存儲和再氣化裝置(FSRU),以向El Oro省的130MW Thermo Gas Machala燃氣電廠提供再氣化的LNG。 該碼頭還將有一個液化天然氣卡車加氣站。
厄瓜多爾能源部近年來一直在尋求使該國的電力供應來源多樣化,包括從秘魯進口液化天然氣和可能的管道天然氣輸送。厄瓜多爾石油部副部長胡安·卡洛斯·貝爾梅奧(Juan Carlos Bermeo)去年表示,厄瓜多爾唯一的天然氣田,日產2,800萬立方英尺(即2.88億立方米/年)的阿米斯塔德氣田的儲量下降,將使該國在未來幾年內面臨國內供應短缺的局面。未來四年內,阿米斯塔德的日產量預計將降至800萬立方英尺。
郝芬 譯自 石油世界期刊
US firm Sycar plans to build Ecuador's
Ecuador eyes first LNG import terminal with construction expected to start in 2021.
Sycar, in partnership with an unnamed LNG trading firm, intends to install a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) to provide regasified LNG to the 130MW Thermo Gas Machala gas-fired power plant in El Oro province. The terminal will also have an LNG truck-filling station.
The project has received approval from Ecuador's hydrocarbon ministry, with Sycar expecting to complete environmental licensing by the fourth quarter of this year.
Ecuador's energy ministry has been seeking to diversify the country's power supply sources in recent years, including LNG imports and possibly pipeline gas deliveries from Peru. Declining reserves at Ecuador's only gas field, the 28mn ft3/d (288mn m3/yr) Amistad, have left the country on course to face a domestic supply shortage in the next "few years", deputy hydrocarbons minister Juan Carlos Bermeo said last year . Amistad's production is expected to fall to 8mn ft3/d within the next four years .
The country depends mostly on oil-fired plants for power supply, and is considering converting old oil-fired plants into gas-fired facilities not only to meet power demand but also to reduce costs and emissions.
Ecuador also intends to boost hydroelectric generation by building five new plants, albeit smaller than its three existing ones. This is set to raise total hydroelectric capacity to 2.79GW from 2.05GW.