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作者: 2020年07月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據離岸工程網站7月27日消息 以色列德萊克鉆井公司計劃通過發行國際債券籌集22.5億美元,幫助其為以色列地中海沿岸利維坦天然氣項目的開發提供資金。

據離岸工程網站7月27日消息 以色列德萊克鉆井公司計劃通過發行國際債券籌集22.5億美元,幫助其為以色列地中海沿岸利維坦天然氣項目的開發提供資金。



以色列價值36億美元的利維坦油田由德克薩斯州德萊克的諾布爾能源和Ratio 石油共同所有,該油田于2019年底開始生產,目前已向以色列、埃及和約旦供應天然氣。



吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程


Delek to Sell $2.25B of Bonds to Finance Leviathan Gas Field

Israel's Delek Drilling plans to raise $2.25 billion in an international bond offering to help it finance the development of the Leviathan natural gas project off Israel's Mediterranean coast.

The issue, expected to be completed in coming weeks, will be led by JP Morgan and HSBC, Delek said on Monday, adding it will pledge its rights in the Leviathan project in favor of the bondholders.

Delek Drilling, controlled by conglomerate Delek Group, said that after the offering it would buy back up to $50 million of its existing bonds, including those used to finance the smaller Tamar gas project.

Israel’s $3.6 billion Leviathan field - co-owned by Delek, Texas-based Noble Energy, and Ratio Oil - started production in late 2019 and is already supplying gas to Israel, Egypt and Jordan.

Last week Chevron Corp said it would buy Noble for about $5 billion in stock.

A roadshow for the bonds, which will be divided into four series expected to mature in 2023, 2025, 2027, and 2030, will be launched in coming days.

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