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作者: 2020年07月22日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司Neft Omsk煉油廠的生產控制系統正在進行現代化改造。這種重組主要影響其在線分析系統,它控制整個生產鏈條——從原料到成品。

俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司Neft Omsk煉油廠的生產控制系統正在進行現代化改造。這種重組主要影響其在線分析系統,它控制整個生產鏈條——從原料到成品。


監控生產產品的質量和生產效率,是Omsk煉油廠全面開發計劃的一項主要內容,該計劃自2008年起由俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom Neft)實施。



Omsk煉油廠正在繼續全面的數字化轉型,其中包括對工廠產品質量控制系統的持續改進和微調。Omsk煉油廠的在線質量分析儀提供的數據自動驗證,以及其他高科技解決方案,將改善煉油行業的關鍵性能指標(kpi),使之與全球行業領先者相匹配。俄氣 Neft Omsk精煉廠總經理Oleg Belyavsky Gen說。

趙斌 摘譯自 Neftegaz.RU


Digital production-quality control technologies introduced at Gazprom Neft’s Omsk Refinery

The production control system at the Gazprom Neft Omsk Oil Refinery is being modernised. This reorganisation mainly affects the in-line analysis system, which controls the entire production chain — from feedstocks to finished products.

The system’s digital circuit monitors the operation of control devices continuously and, in the event of any deviation from norm, reports any disparities instantly. All facilities at the Omsk Refinery are expected to be connected to this automated in-line quality-analysis data-verification system by 2021.

Monitoring the quality of products manufactured, and the efficiency of how they are produced, is a major element in the Omsk Refinery’s full-scale development programme, being pursued by Gazprom Neft since 2008.

More than 250 in-line quality analysers are currently in operation at the Omsk Refinery, monitoring key oil-product metrics, in real time - the accuracy of these being confirmed through regular inspections by specialists. The new system will monitor the stability of a whole range of analysers, automatically, lightening workloads on personnel.

A digital model means the system will be able to identify potential deviations from norm while operations are ongoing, and generate recommendations for servicing and maintenance - allowing the Omsk Refinery to improve the efficiency of quality-control processes.

“The Omsk Refinery is continuing its path of full-scale digital transformation, part of which involves ongoing improvements to and fine-tuning of the plant’s product-quality control system. Automatic verification of data from in-line quality analysers, alongside other high-tech solutions at the Omsk Refinery, will deliver improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs) in oil refining to match those of global industry leaders.”, said Oleg Belyavsky Director Gen., Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery.

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