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作者: 2020年07月21日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據俄羅斯油氣網7月17日消息稱,白俄羅斯通訊社從白俄羅斯國家石油化工公司的新聞秘書Aleksandr Tishchenko那里了解到,白俄羅斯已經購買了第二批美國石油。

據俄羅斯油氣網7月17日消息稱,白俄羅斯通訊社從白俄羅斯國家石油化工公司的新聞秘書Aleksandr Tishchenko那里了解到,白俄羅斯已經購買了第二批美國石油。

Aleksandr Tishchenko稱:“根據8月份的交付計劃,這艘油輪于7月16日開始在德克薩斯州博蒙特港裝載。該油輪將把8萬噸白鷹混合油運往白俄羅斯。”


Aleksandr Tishchenko補充說,WEB是三種石油品種(兩種美國石油和一種加拿大石油)的混合物。這些石油是為在俄羅斯烏拉爾地區工作的歐洲煉油廠開發的。



曹海斌 摘譯自 俄羅斯油氣網


Belarus buys 2nd batch of U.S. oil

Minsk, Neftegaz.RU. Belarus has purchased the second batch of oil from the United States, BelTA learned from Aleksandr Tishchenko, Press Secretary of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim.

“According to the plan of August deliveries, the tanker began loading at the port of Beaumont [Texas] on 16 July. The tanker will bring 80,000 tonnes of White Eagle Blend (WEB) oil to Belarus,” Aleksandr Tishchenko said.

The cargo is expected to arrive in Klaipeda on 6-8 August. “This is the second tanker this year as part of the Belarusian-U.S. cooperation to diversify oil supplies for Belarus,” the press secretary said.

Aleksandr Tishchenko added that WEB is a mixture of three oil varieties (two U.S. and one Canadian). The oil has been developed for European oil refineries working on Russian Urals.

“The oil will be delivered to Naftan Oil Refinery from Klaipeda by railway. The batch will reach the plant in August,” the press secretary said.

The first tanker with U.S. oil for Belarus left the port of Beaumont on 16 May. A total of 77,000 tonnes of Bakken oil reached the port of Klaipeda on 5 June.

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標簽:白俄羅斯 美國石油
