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作者: 2020年07月21日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據全球能源新聞網7月15日報道,作為巴基斯坦TAL Block的運營商,MOL已經發現了新的天然氣和凝析油。 這標志著該公司在巴基斯坦的第13個發現和在TAL區塊的第10個發現。 Mamikhel South-1勘探井于2020年5月23日成功到

據全球能源新聞網7月15日報道,作為巴基斯坦TAL Block的運營商,MOL已經發現了新的天然氣和凝析油。 這標志著該公司在巴基斯坦的第13個發現和在TAL區塊的第10個發現。 Mamikhel South-1勘探井于2020年5月23日成功到達總深度4,939米。在測試了洛克哈特(Lockhart)和漢沽(Hangu)地層的井流天然氣和凝析油后,流速為6,516桶油當量/天(分別為16.12 MMscf / d和3,240 bpd ),在32/64英寸節流閥處的井口流動壓力為4,476 PSI。 該井的進一步測試正在進行中。


作為經營股東,MOL負責TAL區塊的總生產量(截至2020年第一季度)為890萬油當量/天(MOL的份額為8.4%)。 我們在合資企業聯盟中的合作伙伴是OGDCL,PPL,POL和GHPL。 MOL在巴基斯坦上游部門成功運營已有21年的良好記錄,并擁有該國四個區塊的股權。

巴基斯坦MOL是MOL Group的全資子公司,自1999年以來一直在該國運營。巴基斯坦在生產和勘探方面是國際資產組合的重要貢獻者。 巴基斯坦MOL公司擁有4個區塊的股權,其中Tal和Marghala區塊在運營。 此外,該公司是巴基斯坦主要的液化石油氣和天然氣生產商之一,為巴基斯坦的能源供應做出了貢獻。



郝芬 譯自 全球能源新聞網



MOL, as the operator of TAL Block in Pakistan, has made a new gas and condensate discovery. This marks the company’s 13th discovery in Pakistan and 10th discovery in the TAL Block. The Mamikhel South-1 exploratory well successfully reached a total depth of 4,939m on 23 May 2020. Upon testing the well flowed gas and condensate from Lockhart and Hangu formation at a flow rate of 6,516 boepd (16.12 MMscf/d and 3,240 bpd, respectively), with flowing well-head pressure of 4,476 PSI at 32/64” choke. Further testing of the well is ongoing.

TAL Block is an oil and gas field located in Kohat District, Pakistan.

As the operating shareholder MOL is responsible for 89 mboepd gross production (as of Q1 2020) in the TAL block (MOL’s share is 8.4%). Our partners in the Joint Venture consortium are OGDCL, PPL, POL and GHPL. MOL has a proven track record of successfully operating in Pakistan’s upstream sector for 21 years and holds equity stakes in four blocks in the country.

MOL Pakistan is a fully owned subsidiary of MOL Group, operating in the country since 1999. Pakistan is a key contributor of the international portfolio in terms of production and exploration. MOL Pakistan has interests in 4 blocks, of which Tal and Marghala blocks are operated. Furthermore, the company is one of the key LPG and gas producers in the country, contributing to Pakistan’s energy supply.

Since 1999, ~35 MMboe reserves has been added to the MOL portfolio through successful exploration drillings within three different blocks. In the operated TAL block exploration activity is ongoing with high quality 3D seismic survey, in an effort to mature various leads.

MOL Group is a leading integrated Central & East European oil and gas corporation headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. It has operations in over 30 countries and employs 26,000 people worldwide. MOL’s exploration and production activities are supported by 80 years’ experience in the hydrocarbon field.

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標簽:MOL 巴基斯坦 天然氣 凝析油
