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作者: 2020年07月16日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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塞浦路斯總統阿納塔斯蒂亞德斯(Nicos Anatastiades)出席了該終端的奠基儀式。該終端的預算為2.89億歐元(3.275億美元),預計將成為該國耗資最大的能源項目。






塞浦路斯已向埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)及其合作伙伴卡塔爾石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)、意大利埃尼(Eni)和法國道達爾(Total)等能源公司發放許可,在該國擁有獨家經濟權利的水域開采天然氣。

郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網


Cyprus to Get First Natural Gas Import Terminal

Work on the first natural gas import terminal for the country of Cyprus officially began Thursday.

The project includes a jetty and pipelines to convey the gas to the nearby Vasilikos power plant.

Cypriot President Nicos Anatastiades attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the terminal, which with a budget of 289 million euros ($327.5 million) is expected to be the country’s costliest energy project.

The terminal will feature a tanker ship built in Singapore and refitted to convert liquefied natural gas back into gaseous form for use in Cyprus’main power plant.

The consortium has 24 months to deliver an operational terminal from the time construction begins.

Anastasiades said the terminal would help lower crude-dependent Cyprus' power generation costs by an estimated 15%-25% and reduce its carbon footprint by 30%.

“This historic day highlights our strategic priority to secure and diversify our energy supply while boosting competitiveness in the power generation market and meeting our environmental targets,” the president said.

Funding for the project includes a 101 million euro ($114.5 million) European Union grant and low-interest loans from the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Electricity Authority of Cyprus is contributing 43 million euros ($48 million.)

The terminal will be wholly owned by the Cypriot state. Authorities said it would give the country flexibility to make spot purchases of lower-cost gas on the international market, while allowing for future use of natural gas from gas fields discovered in the Mediterranean Sea off Cyprus.

Energy companies that Cyprus has licensed to drill for gas in waters where the country has exclusive economic rights include ExxonMobil and partner Qatar Petroleum, as well as Italy’s Eni and France’s Total.

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標簽:塞浦路斯 天然氣進口終端
