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作者: 2020年07月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據能源世界網7月7日曼谷報道,泰國第二大電力生產商海灣能源開發公司(GulfEnergy DevelopmentPcl)周二表示,該公司以約5.58億歐元(約合6.311億美元)收購了德國一家海上風電場50%的股權。

據能源世界網7月7日曼谷報道,泰國第二大電力生產商海灣能源開發公司(GulfEnergy DevelopmentPcl)周二表示,該公司以約5.58億歐元(約合6.311億美元)收購了德國一家海上風電場50%的股權。

海灣能源公司表示,收購裝機發電量為464.8兆瓦的Borkum Riffgrund 2海上風電場(BKR2項目)的股份符合該公司擴大其可再生能源業務的戰略。




郝芬 譯自 能源世界網


Thailand's Gulf Energy buys 50 per cent stake in German wind farm for about $631 mln

Gulf Energy Development Pcl said on Tuesday it acquired a 50 per cent stake in a German offshore wind farm for about 558 million euros ($631.10 million) in the latest overseas investment by Thailand's second-largest power producer.

Gulf Energy said acquiring the stake of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 Offshore Wind Farm (BKR2 Project), which has an installed capacity of 464.8 megawatts (MW), was in line with the company's strategy to expand its renewable energy business.

Earlier this year, the Thai company had purchased a 100-MW wind project in Vietnam and also increased its stake in a gas-fired power plant infrastructure project in Oman.

The remaining stakes in North Sea-based BKR2 Project would be held by Denmark-based power company Orsted A/S.

The acquisition would help boost Gulf Energy's profit base and widen potential partnerships with Orsted in overseas wind energy projects.

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標簽:海灣能源 海上風電場
