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作者: 2020年07月03日 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:
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據世界石油6月29日消息稱,斯倫貝謝推出了Performance Live數字連接服務,該服務可優化遠程井場操作控制,同時提高安全性、效率并拓展勘測面積。該服務包括數字生態系統中的技術和專業知識,可通過安全可靠的數據網

據世界石油6月29日消息稱,斯倫貝謝推出了Performance Live數字連接服務,該服務可優化遠程井場操作控制,同時提高安全性、效率并拓展勘測面積。該服務包括數字生態系統中的技術和專業知識,可通過安全可靠的數據網絡利用云計算應用程序和自動化數據工作流。

Performance Live服務為客戶提供即時訪問數據和與領域專家協作服務,從而為定向鉆探、測井、地層測試以及其他油氣作業提供更快、更明智的決策。自動化的“端到端”工作流程簡化了消除冗余并提供一致化服務的工作。此外,這項服務增加了運營安全性,減少了旅行次數和現場人員的需要,減少了碳足跡。

斯倫貝謝服務和設備執行副總裁Hinda Gharbi表示:“Performance Live服務改變了客戶體驗,實現了更高水平的運營控制。井下技術可以將數據即時提供給決策者,而不需要決策者親臨現場。”

斯倫貝謝全球60%以上的鉆井作業都使用了Performance Live服務,到2019年,該服務涵蓋1.8萬多次鉆探。在電纜作業中,截止2019年,Performance Live服務覆蓋了全球超過1.2萬次鉆探,其中包括挪威海上超過230個油藏和油井完整性評估。

曹海斌 摘譯自 世界石油


Schlumberger introduces real-time oil and gas data management service

Schlumberger introduced its Performance Live digitally connected service that optimizes remote wellsite operations control while improving safety, efficiency and footprint. The service includes technology and domain expertise within a digital ecosystem, leveraging cloud-based applications and automated data workflows through a secure and robust data network.

The Performance Live service provides customers with instant access to data and collaboration with domain experts, enabling faster, more informed decision making for directional drilling, well logging, formation testing and other oil and gas operations. Automated end-to-end workflows simplify tasks that eliminate redundancy and deliver consistent service. In addition, the service increases operational safety and reduces carbon footprint with less travel and fewer personnel needed on location.

“Performance Live service transforms the customer experience, enabling higher levels of operational control,” said Hinda Gharbi, executive vice president, Services and Equipment, Schlumberger. “Downhole technology is ready to run with data instantly available to the decision maker—without that person having to be on location.”

The Performance Live service is used by more than 60% of Schlumberger well drilling jobs worldwide and covering more than 18,000 runs in 2019. In wireline operations, the Performance Live service covered more than 12,000 runs worldwide including more than 230 reservoir and well integrity evaluations offshore Norway in 2019.

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標簽:斯倫貝謝 實時油氣數據管理
