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作者: 2020年06月30日 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:
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據離岸工程網站6月26日消息 立陶宛政府正加緊計劃在波羅的海開發一個700兆瓦的海上風電場,并于本周提出了該項目的選址,預計將于2030年完工。



能源部長?ygimantas Vai?iūnas表示:“通過使用海上風電,我們將實現雄心勃勃的可再生能源目標,并減少從其他國家的電力進口。我們的目標是以最有效和最具競爭力的方式開發海上風電,這也將是吸引世界級投資者投資立陶宛能源的機會。”



吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程


Lithuania Selects Location for 700MW Offshore Wind Farm

The government of Lithuania is pressing ahead with plans to develop a 700MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea, and has this week proposed a location for the project which is expected to be completed by 2030.

The offshore area in the Baltic Sea planned for the wind turbines is located 29 kilometers from shore and covers an area of 137.5 km2. The average water depth at the site is 35 meters, and the average wind speed is approximately 9 m/s.

Investors in the wind turbines in the Baltic Sea will be selected by tender. The tenders for the development and operation of these power plants in the marine territory are planned to be organized on February 1, 2023.

“By employing offshore wind, we will achieve our ambitious renewable energy targets and reduce electricity imports from other countries. Our goal is to develop offshore wind in the most efficient and competitive way, and this will also be an opportunity to attract world-class investors to Lithuanian energy,” says Minister of Energy ?ygimantas Vai?iūnas.

"A wind farm of this capacity in the Baltic Sea can produce approximately 2.5-3 TWh of electricity per year, which is nearly a quarter of Lithuania’s current electricity demand. It is estimated that wind farms of this capacity will pull in as much as EUR 1 billion in private investments," the government said.

Taking into account the experience of other countries and the fact that the development of networks in the marine territory for connecting the planned turbines may take up to eight years, the Government additionally suggested that the transmission system operator begin preparatory work for connecting the turbines that are planned to be developed to the power grids, the government said.

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標簽:立陶宛 海上風電場 風力渦輪機
