雷普索爾旗下的TechLab日前與沙特阿美簽署了一份諒解備忘錄,對這個項目進行技術開發,將把可再生能源產生的綠色氫氣與煉油廠排放的二氧化碳作為原材料結合起來,將年產360萬升的汽車燃料,可用于汽車和飛機。雷普索爾首席執行官Josu Jon Imaz表示,這個工藝還可用于生產合成石腦油。
李峻 編譯自 可再生能源新聞原文如下:
Spain's Repsol to develop hydrogen-fed synthetic fuel plant at Bilbao
Spanish integrated energy company Repsol said June 15 it will build a 10-MW, green-hydrogen plant which it will use to produce synthetic fuels in collaboration with Saudi Aramco at its Bilbao refinery.
The plant, which will cost Eur60 million ($67.5 million) is part of an Eur80-million decarbonization project that will also include a carbon-capture project and a fuel-from-waste plant, and should be completed by 2024.
Repsol's TechLab and Aramco have signed a memorandum of understanding to carry out the technological development of the project, which will combine green hydrogen generated from renewable sources with CO2 emissions from the refinery as raw materials. This will produce 3.6 million liters a year of vehicle fuel that can be used in both autos and aircraft among other applications. The process can also be used to produce synthetic naphtha, according to Repsol CEO Josu Jon Imaz. The company declined to comment on the method of electrolysis to be employed.