該文件的發布標志著Vineyard 風電項目向前邁進了一步,該項目因擔心其風力渦輪機會損害商業捕魚而經歷了延誤。去年宣布的美國海洋能源管理局(BOEM)的補充審查還考慮了許多此類項目的影響,原因是計劃在東海岸建設的海上風電場數量不斷增加。
這個800兆瓦的Vineyard Wind發電廠預計將為馬薩諸塞州超過40萬戶家庭提供足夠的電力。租賃區位于離瑪莎島(Martha's Vineyard)15英里的地方。
Vineyard Wind在一封電子郵件聲明中表示,我們很高興BOEM發布了(補充的環境影響聲明),并期待與該機構和許多不同的利益相關者合作,因為我們將繼續努力通過這一重要的公共流程。
該草案考慮了多個項目設計,包括一個新的替代方案,該方案將增加一條船只過境通道,以簡化從新英格蘭港口到捕魚區的旅行。 審查稱,如果需要額外的調查工作,該選擇可能會延遲項目建設。
Vineyard Wind是哥本哈根基礎設施合作伙伴和Avangrid Inc.的合資企業。
郝芬 譯自 OE網站
First Major US Offshore Wind Farm Reaches Permitting Milestone
The first major U.S. offshore wind farm, planned for the Massachusetts coast, reached a key permitting milestone on Tuesday with the release of a long-awaited federal environmental study that considers the project's impacts on fisheries and navigation.
Publication of the document marks a step forward for the Vineyard Wind project, which has experienced delays over concerns that its wind turbines will hurt commercial fishing. The supplemental review by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, announced last year, also considered the impacts of many such projects due to the growing number of offshore wind farms planned for the East Coast.
The Trump administration has sought to fire up development of the nascent offshore wind industry as part of its policy to boost domestic energy production.
The 800-megawatt Vineyard Wind is expected to generate enough power for more than 400,000 homes in Massachusetts. The lease area is located 15 miles off the coast of Martha's Vineyard.
“We’re pleased that BOEM has published the (supplemental Environmental Impact Statement) and look forward to engaging with the agency and the many different stakeholders as we continue to make our way through this important public process,” Vineyard Wind said in an emailed statement.
BOEM will take public comments on the draft environmental review for 45 days before finalizing what is known as the Environmental Impact Statement, the last major milestone before project approval.
The draft considers several project designs, including a new alternative that would add a vessel transit lane to ease travel from New England ports to fishing areas. That option could delay project construction if additional survey work is required, the review said.
BOEM officials were not immediately available for comment.
Vineyard Wind is a joint venture between Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and Avangrid Inc.