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作者: 2020年06月11日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據Azernews新聞網站6月8日消息 白俄羅斯石油化工公司主要對外經濟關系部門負責人Ruslan La 6月5日表示,白俄羅斯正在與阿塞拜疆就石油長期供應合同進行談判。

據Azernews新聞網站6月8日消息 白俄羅斯石油化工公司主要對外經濟關系部門負責人Ruslan La 6月5日表示,白俄羅斯正在與阿塞拜疆就石油長期供應合同進行談判。

Ruslan La說:“我們不會停止供應可替代石油,為此我們制定了一套措施,并正在按照這個計劃實施??商娲偷恼9衲暌呀涢_始,我們正計劃簽訂長期合同。目前正在與阿塞拜疆和沙特阿拉伯的合作伙伴就長期合作條件進行對話?!?/span>



Ruslan La表示,由阿塞拜疆國家石油公司生產的三艘阿塞拜疆Azeri Light油輪已交付莫茲爾煉油廠。


吳恒磊 編譯自 Azernews


Belarus eyes long-term oil contract with Azerbaijan

Belarus is in the process of negotiations with Azerbaijan on long-term contracts for oil supply, head of the main foreign economic relations department of Belneftekhim Ruslan Labut said on June 5.

"We are not going to stop supplying alternative oil. We have developed a set of measures for this purpose. We are working according to this plan. Regular supplies of alternative oil will start this year already. We are planning to conclude long-term contracts. Dialogue on the terms of long-term cooperation is being conducted with our partners from Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia," Labut said.

At the same time, a phased annual increase in the volume of alternative oil supplies is planned, he added.

Moreover, according to statement during the period of absence of oil supplies from Russia, Belarus started its alternative import - through the port of Klaipeda by railway to the refinery "Naftan" and through the port of Odessa to the Mozyr refinery by oil pipelines Odessa-Brody -Mozyr.

Labut stated that three tankers of Azerbaijan oil Azeri Light, produced by SOCAR, were delivered to Mozyr Refinery.

“Azerbaijan and Norwegian oil was purchased from producers: from SOCAR, the state oil company of Azerbaijan, and from Total, one of the largest oil companies in the world. Urals crude oil was purchased from traders on the market. And not all the oil from Russia, part of the raw materials of Kazakh origin,” the message reads.

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標簽:白俄羅斯 阿塞拜疆 石油
