張春曉 摘譯自 道瓊斯
Saudi Aramco Raises July Crude Official Selling Price to Asia
Saudi Aramco on Sunday raised the price at which it will sell oil to all global markets in July, after the Riyadh-led Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed with its allies on Saturday to extend historic price cuts through the month of July.
State-run Saudi Arabian Oil Co. raised the official selling price of all grades of crude sold to the Far East in July, raising the July price for its Arab light crude oil to Asia by $6.10 a barrel from June to a 20 cents-a-barrel premium to the Oman/Dubai average.
Aramco also increased the price of super-light crude-oil by $7.30 a barrel, shifting its price from a discount to a $1.65-a-barrel premium to the Oman/Dubai average. With higher quality light grades of crude oil tending to be used in the production of jet fuel and gasoline, the move is a signal that Far East Asian oil demand is beginning to recover from the worst effects of coronavirus lockdowns.