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作者: 2020年06月08日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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歐佩克現任主席、阿爾及利亞能源部長穆罕默德?阿爾卡布(Mohamed Arkab)總結了歐佩克的觀點,稱:“盡管迄今取得了進展,但我們不能坐以待斃。”






油價要想全面復蘇,就必須恢復全球需求,減少原油庫存,這兩項工作可能都需要長達兩年的時間。Pioneer的斯科特謝菲爾德(Scott Sheffield)表示,隨著許多經濟體“重新開放”,需求迅速反彈至每天9400萬至9500萬桶。值得注意的是,需求反彈將停滯,他表示,需求在2022年甚至2023年之前都不會達到之前的水平。


洪偉立 摘譯自 今日油價


OPEC+ Agrees On Extending Record Output Cuts

OPEC and its partners concluded their meeting on Saturday afternoon, announcing that it would extend its current production cut deal.

Algeria’s Energy Minister Mohamed Arkab, OPEC’s current President summed up the group’s sentiment by saying that "Despite the progress achieved to date, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels,''.

The last couple of days, the cartel’s de-facto leader Saudi Arabia negotiated with other OPEC members and some non-OPEC countries including Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan to extend the current 9.7 million bpd output cuts for at least another month.

Most countries partaking in the record production cuts were willing to continue the current deal, but poor compliance from countries like Nigeria and Kazakhstan has caused discontent among other OPEC members, some of which have even made deeper cuts than agreed on in April.

During the virtual meeting on Saturday, the cartel agreed that the countries that were unable to reach full conformity in May and June will have to compensate for this in July, August and September.

Oil prices effectively doubled during the month of May as global demand started to recover and record output cuts and worldwide well shut-ins decreased the monster glut.

While the OPEC+ deal extension undoubtedly will have a bullish effect on markets, prices aren’t likely to rip much higher on Monday as the OPEC+ news has largely been priced in already.

For oil prices to make a full recovery, global demand will have to recover and crude inventories have to be drawn down, both of which will likely take up to two years. Pioneer’s Scott Sheffield said that the quick rebound of demand to around 94-95 mb/d following the “reopening” of so many economies will give way to stagnation, saying that demand won’t reach pre-pandemic levels until 2022 or even 2023.

For now, the next bullish catalyst for oil could come from Saudi Aramco, which could set the trend for higher oil prices in June as it is expected to release its OSPs (official selling prices) on Monday.

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標簽:歐佩克 減產協議
