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作者: 2020年05月22日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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俄羅斯能源部長Alexander Novak上月接受國際文傳電訊社采訪時表示,作為歐佩克+協議的一部分,俄羅斯承諾在5月和6月將日產量從2020年2月的基準線削減至850萬桶,或從2020年2月起減產約200萬桶/天,即減產19%。

俄羅斯不得不將其石油產量從1100萬桶/天削減至850萬桶/天,許多分析人士預計,莫斯科將無法完全履行減產承諾。俄羅斯能源部副部長帕維爾·索羅金(Pavel Sorokin)本月早些時候表示,俄羅斯希望盡快實現“最大程度的減產”。



洪偉立 摘譯自 今日油價


Is Russia Finally Complying With OPEC+ Cuts?

It looks like Russia is really trying to comply with its share of the OPEC+ production cuts this time, unlike in previous deals when it had regularly exceeded its cap, attributing higher production to condensate output.

In the new round of cuts, Russia is said to be nearly complying with its quota, two sources with knowledge of Russia’s oil and condensate production so far in May told Reuters.

As part of the OPEC+ deal, Russia pledged to cut its production to 8.5 million bpd in May and June from a February 2020 baseline, or by around 2 million bpd, or by 19 percent, from February 2020, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told Interfax in an interview last month.

Russia has to cut its oil production from around 11 million bpd to 8.5 million bpd—and many analysts expected that Moscow would not be able to fully comply with its share of the cuts, again.

Referring to Russia’s uneasy task to cut 2 million bpd as part of the OPEC+ deal, Russia’s Deputy Energy Minister Pavel Sorokin said earlier this month that Moscow expects to achieve “the maximum reduction level as soon as practicable.”

According to Reuters’ sources, Russia’s combined oil and condensate production averaged 9.42 million barrels per day (bpd) between May 1 and 19. Excluding condensate output, which is not part of the Russian quota within OPEC+ as of this year, crude oil production averaged 8.72 million bpd, as per Reuters estimates. This is close to the 8.5-million-bpd quota, especially considering Russia’s far-from-perfect track record in complying with the cuts.

Three weeks into the new deal, Russia, as well as OPEC’s leader Saudi Arabia, are trying to assure the market that the OPEC+ group is taking the task to rebalance the market very seriously.

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標簽:石油 凝析油
