據今日油價5月19日報道,當前,石油和天然氣生產商削減預算,減少鉆探活動。在美國,隨著現有油田的產量自然下降,鉆探活動會影響未來的油氣產量。運營商還關閉了一些生產油田,導致相關的天然氣產量暫停。Rystad Energy估計,美國天然氣產量(除墨西哥灣外的48個州)將在11月觸底,即825億立方英尺/天,然后在2021年開始逐漸緩慢復蘇。
Rystad Energy頁巖研究主管阿特姆?阿布拉莫夫(Artem Abramov)表示:“隨著許多以石油業務為核心的生產商實施大規模減產,人們可能會認為,這種損失也將很快開始影響相關的天然氣產量。不過,天然氣產量的下降速度,并不像市場迄今所預期的那么快,”
這一預測是基于WTI油價會在2021年上半年逐漸回升至每桶35美元,而Henry Hub天然氣價格會在2021年上半年逐漸回升至每百萬英熱2.5美元。要想快速恢復,WTI價格必須穩定在每桶30美元至35美元之間。
隨著液化天然氣和國內需求的全面復蘇,預計2021年供應將至少比市場預期的低60-90億立方英尺/天。預期Henry Hub的價格將在每百萬英熱2.5 - 3.0美元之間,以觸發天然氣盆地的復蘇,因此完全有能力平衡即將到來的供應缺口。
洪偉立 摘譯自 今日油價
U.S. Gas Output To Hit Rock Bottom In November
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced oil and gas producers to slash budgets and reduce drilling activity, which in the US always affects future hydrocarbon output as existing fields naturally decline. Operators also shut some producing oil fields, halting in turn their associated gas output. Rystad Energy estimates that US gas production (Lower 48 States excl. Gulf of Mexico) will reach its lowest point in November, at 82.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfd) before a gradual slow recovery begins in 2021.
We expect that gas production will decline every single month until November in our base-case scenario. This assumes a gradual reactivation of producing fields and is based on what curtailments we realistically see happening, rather than taking a basin-wide analogical approach. To put the decline into context: Gas production has already dropped from about 94 Bcfd in November 2019 to 88.9 Bcfd in April 2020.
Meanwhile, May’s output is expected at 86 Bcfd. After the forecasted November low, the slow recovery that we anticipate is only expected to add around 1 Bcfd by mid-2021 and 1 Bcfd more by the end of that year.
“As many oil-focused producers implement significant production curtailments, one might think that this loss will also start to affect associated gas production soon. Still, associated gas production is not declining as quickly as the market had hoped for so far,“ says Rystad Energy’s Head of Shale Research Artem Abramov.
Most of the 11.5 Bcfd year-on-year output reduction till November will occur due to natural decline. Only about 1.7 Bcfd from the total decline will happen due to shut-in curtailments.
This outlook is based on a gradual recovery of the WTI oil price towards $35 per barrel and the Henry Hub gas price towards $2.5 per MMBtu in 1H21. The production outlook is based on our analysis of company guidance, base decline assessment and the most representative type of curves. Rapid reactivation requires stable WTI prices in the range of $30 to $35 per barrel already in 3Q20.
With a full recovery in LNG and domestic demand, we expect that we will enter 2021 with supply at least 6 Bcfd to 9 Bcfd lower than what the market would like to absorb next year. We believe Henry Hub prices will be in the $2.5 to $3.0 per MMBtu range to trigger the recovery in gas basins, so they are well-positioned to balance the upcoming supply deficit.