馬國油通過其子公司馬國油蘇里南勘探和開采公司完成了將其在52號區塊的 50%的參與權轉讓給埃克森美孚勘探和開采蘇里南公司的事宜。52號區塊位于蘇里南的首都帕拉馬里博海岸以北。
張春曉 摘譯自 道瓊斯
Petronas Partners Exxon Mobil in Suriname Hydrocarbon Exploration
Petroliam Nasional Bhd will be partners with Exxon Mobil Corp in exploration for hydrocarbons at Block 52, offshore Suriname.
Petronas, through its subsidiary, PETRONAS Suriname Exploration & Production B.V., has completed the farm-down of its 50% participating interest to ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Suriname B.V. in Block 52, which located north of the coast of Paramaribo, Suriname's capital city.
Block 52, which covers an area of 4,749 square kilometers with water depths ranging from 50 to 1,100 meters, is situated in the prospective Suriname-Guyana basin where several major hydrocarbon discoveries were made recently, the Malaysian state-owned oil company said in a statement Tuesday.
Petronas said upcoming exploration activities for Block 52 will involve the drilling of a well in third quarter of 2020, in addition to acquiring new 3D seismic data utilizing the latest technology, covering the whole block to further evaluate the block's potential.