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作者: 2020年05月13日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據彭博社5月12日報道,美國內政部長伯恩哈特(David Bernhardt)表示,低迷的原油價格和燃料需求不會影響石油公司對北極鉆探權的競購。相反,這些公司更有可能基于長期預期和其他考慮給出報價,因為他所在的機構正在權

據彭博社5月12日報道,美國內政部長伯恩哈特(David Bernhardt)表示,低迷的原油價格和燃料需求不會影響石油公司對北極鉆探權的競購。相反,這些公司更有可能基于長期預期和其他考慮給出報價,因為他所在的機構正在權衡今年出售北極國家野生動物保護區156萬英畝沿海平原的租約。


燃料需求下降和原油價格暴跌促使石油生產商關閉鉆井平臺,裁員,并削減美國各地的新支出。分析師預計,接下來將會有一波破產潮。油價暴跌可能會迫使阿拉斯加的一些潛在競標者放棄北極地區的出售計劃。此前,Oil Search 公司和Hilcorp 能源已經決定削減部分業務,并就BP阿拉斯加業務的付款計劃重新進行談判。



洪偉立 摘譯自 彭博社


Arctic Oil to Draw Bids Despite Rout, Interior Chief Predicts

Bleak crude prices and fuel demand forecasts won’t blunt oil company bidding for Arctic drilling rights, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said Monday.

Instead, companies are more likely to make offers based on longer-term forecasts and other considerations, Bernhardt said, as his agency weighs a sale this year of oil leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s 1.56-million-acre coastal plain.

However, Bernhardt allowed, current price and demand conditions “could affect perhaps the universe of bidders.”

Falling fuel demand from the coronavirus and collapsing crude prices have prompted oil producers to idle drilling rigs, shed staff and curtail new spending across the U.S., with analysts predicting a wave of bankruptcies to follow. The price rout may force some potential bidders in Alaska to sit out an Arctic sale, after already spurring Oil Search Ltd. to pare some operations and Hilcorp Energy Co. to renegotiate its payment plan for BP Plc’s Alaska business.

Even without the recent setbacks, relatively few oil companies have the resources to mount operations in the remote Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeast Alaska. And some large oil companies may forgo the area altogether, amid steep environmental opposition.

Congress ended a decades-long ban on oil development in the refuge’s coastal plain in 2017 as part of a plan to pay for tax cuts. Although the Interior Department completed a required environmental study of Arctic refuge drilling last year, it’s still developing a “record of decision” to formally trigger an auction, as well as final stipulations to guide development on any leases sold there.

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