據4月17日油田技術報道,殼牌澳大利亞公司已做出最終投資決定(FID)開發Arrow Energy項目,這是澳大利亞昆士蘭州的蘇拉特天然氣項目的第一階段。
該決定將以最高產量每年高達900億 ft3/年的天然氣推向市場,這些天然氣將流向殼牌運營的QGC,在當地銷售,并通過柯蒂斯島的工廠出口。
殼牌綜合天然氣與新能源總監Maarten Wetselaar表示:“利用QGC現有的上游管道和處理設施,Arrow能夠顯著降低開發成本,使該項目具有競爭力和經濟吸引力。Arrow合資伙伴決定不在柯蒂斯島上再建另外兩條生產線,這為該資源的市場開發創造了機會。我們對這項投資采取的方法與殼牌公司積極管理所有運營和財務杠桿來實現可持續現金流產生的方法是一致。這反映了我們對資本支出的嚴謹態度,從長期的角度審視了供需基本面。”
殼牌澳大利亞董事長托尼·努南(Tony Nunan)說:“自2015年12月投入運營以來,QGC的產量一直保持強勁和穩定,Arrow擁有強大的技術能力,可以創新高效地開發蘇拉特盆地油田。2019年,QGC供應了澳大利亞東海岸國內天然氣市場16%的需求,并迎來了第500批液化天然氣。Arrow的天然氣將為澳大利亞國內客戶和出口市場提供更多的供應。”
舒曉玲 摘譯自 油田技術
Shell invests in Surat gas project
Shell Australia has taken a final investment decision (FID) to develop the first phase of Arrow Energy’s Surat gas project in Queensland, Australia.
The decision will bring up to 90 billion ft3/year of new gas to market at peak production, which will flow to Shell-operated QGC to be sold locally and exported through its plant on Curtis Island.
“The utilisation of QGC’s existing upstream pipelines and treatment facilities enables Arrow to significantly reduce development costs, making the project competitive and economically attractive,” said Maarten Wetselaar, Integrated Gas and New Energies Director at Shell. “The Arrow joint venture partners’ decision not to build another two trains on Curtis Island provided the opportunity to create this alternative pathway to market for the resource. The approach we have taken to this investment is aligned with Shell’s focus on actively managing all operational and financial levers to deliver sustainable cash flow generation. It reflects our disciplined approach to capital spend, which takes a long-term view of the fundamentals of supply and demand.”
“QGC has reached strong and stable production since its start up in December 2015, and Arrow has the strong technical capability to develop the Surat Basin fields innovatively and efficiently,” said Shell Australia Chairman Tony Nunan. “QGC supplied 16% of the demand in the Australian east coast domestic gas market in 2019 and celebrated its 500th LNG cargo. Gas from Arrow will provide more supply to both Australian domestic customers and export markets.”
Construction of the project will commence in 2020, with first gas sales expected in 2021.