該公司研究主管羅伯特·西姆斯(Robert Sims)表示:“盡管液化天然氣價格朝著美國產量盈虧平衡的方向暴跌是可以預見的,但在2020年剩余時間里的情況是無法預測的。本來就供過于求的液化天然氣市場,在暖冬過后,歐洲和亞洲的庫存都很高,結果卻面臨著需求大幅下跌的危機。我們預計,到2020年,全球液化天然氣需求將同比增長6%,達到3.71億噸。這些數字還需要根據實際市場走勢不斷進行修正。”
王佳晶 摘譯自 伍德麥肯茲官網
Gas sector impacted by whammy of oil price crash and LNG oversupply
In its latest short-term gas and LNG outlook report, Wood Mackenzie weighs the risks coronavirus, sustained low oil prices and LNG oversupply pose to the sector this year.
Wood Mackenzie research director Robert Sims said: “While the collapse of LNG prices towards US production break-evens was foreseeable, the narrative for the rest of 2020 could not be more unpredictable.
“An already oversupplied LNG market comes out of a mild winter with high inventories across Europe and Asia, only to face a global pandemic which has already destroyed gas demand across China and looks increasingly set to do the same across the Asia Pacific and Europe.
“We expect global LNG demand to grow by 6% year-on-year to 371 million tonnes (Mt) in 2020; the numbers will need constant revision as economies around the world feel the force of the growing pandemic.”