據俄羅斯油氣網3月31日阿爾及爾報道,阿爾及利亞國家石油公司(阿國油/Sonatrach)首席執行官Toufik Hakkar在接受當地報紙El-Khabar記者采訪時表示,阿國油日前已確認計劃把今年資本支出削減50%,并推遲實施非緊急項目,以應對疫情對石油市場的影響。
李峻 編譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
Algeria's Sonatrach intends to reduce budget by 50% in 2020
Algeria′s state-run company Sonatrach confirmed it plans to cut its spending in 2020 by 50%, and postpone non-urgent projects following the impact of the new coronavirus on oil markets, said CEO Toufik Hakkar in an interview with the local newspaper “El-Khabar”.
Hakkar said this had been driven by the impact of coronavirus on oil markets. Sonatrach will reduce all spending that will not have an impact on future production, he said. Some projects will be postponed and employment savings should reach 30%. This should save $7 billion, he was reported as saying, with the interview distributed by Sonatrach.
While the company is working on extracting savings, Hakkar said Sonatrach was working to create new plans with companies interested in coming to Algeria. Negotiations are advanced with a number of companies, which he attributed to the new hydrocarbons law.
He cited discussions with Chevron as one instance of this, which will look at joint studies in the hydrocarbons sector.