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作者: 2020年04月01日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據石油和天然氣管道新聞網3月30日消息,挪威國油稱,挪威在北海Johan Sverdrup油田產量預計5月初將達到穩產期,較預期提前。

據石油和天然氣管道新聞網3月30日消息,挪威國油稱,挪威在北海Johan Sverdrup油田產量預計5月初將達到穩產期,較預期提前。


Equinor挪威開發和生產執行副總裁Arne Sigve Nylund表示:“Johan Sverdrup是一個對公司、行業和整個社會都很重要的項目。該項目在2015年油價下跌期間被批準,并在需求旺盛時期為供應商行業帶來了重要活動。Johan Sverdrup的運營成本較低,在受疫情和油價大幅下跌影響期間,為公司和挪威社會提供收入和現金流。在今天的情況下,運營商、供應商和政府之間的合作比以往任何時候都更重要,以保持活動和價值創造”。

程張翔 編譯自 石油和天然氣管道新聞


Equinor sees estimate-beating Sverdrup production ramp-up

Norway’s Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea expects to reach plateau production for the first phase in early May, earlier than anticipated, Equinor said.

Due to higher plant capacity, plateau production will increase from around 440,000 barrels of oil per day to around 470,000 barrels per day.

Plateau production was previously expected to be reached during the summer. At the end of March, daily production had already exceeded 430,000 barrels of oil.

“Johan Sverdrup is an important project to the companies, the industry and society at large. The project was sanctioned during the oil price fall in 2015 and resulted in important activity to the supplier industry in a demanding period. With low operating costs Johan Sverdrup provides revenue and cashflow to the companies and Norwegian society at large in a period affected by the coronavirus and a major drop in the oil price. In today’s situation, cooperation between operators, suppliers and authorities is more important than ever to maintain activity and value creation,” said Arne Sigve Nylund, Equinor’s executive vice president for Development and Production Norway.

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