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作者: 2020年03月31日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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法提赫·比羅爾(Fatih Birol)在大西洋理事會電話會議上表示,如今,全球有30億人被封鎖。 因此,我們很可能會看到今年的一段時間,需求下降,正如一些人所說,每天大約有2000萬桶。




比羅爾表示,負責協調工業化國家能源政策的IEA 將在兩周內就全球石油需求提供更清晰的前景和時間表,屆時該機構將公布其月度報告。

但是考慮到主要的供過于求,全球存儲容量可能很快將會耗盡。 Birol補充道,需求恢復既不容易也不迅速。


郝芬 譯自 能源世界網


IEA says global oil demand could drop 20 per cent as 3 billion people in lockdown

Global oil demand could dive by 20 per cent as 3 billion people are in a lockdown because of the coronavirus outbreak, the head of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Thursday as he called on OPEC leader Saudi Arabia to help stabilise oil markets.

"Today, 3 billion people in the world are locked down. As a result of that we may well see sometime throughout this year demand to fall down, as some say, about 20 million barrels per day," Fatih Birol told an Atlantic Council conference call.

The world's oil demand stood at 100 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2019.

Birol said that, despite huge demand destruction, oil supply was nevertheless set to rise by another 3 million bpd as part of Saudi Arabia's market share battle with Russia.

"Being the president of the G20 this year, one would expect that Saudi Arabia will provide a constructive support to the stabilisation of the global oil markets based on their past record," he said.

He did not say whether Saudi Arabia, Russia and the United States could play a stabilising role together with the IEA.

"I'm talking to a lot of people," he said.

Birol said the IEA, which coordinates energy policies of industrialised nations, would give a clearer outlook and timeframe on the global oil demand in two weeks, when the agency is due to publish its monthly report.

But given the major oversupply, the world might soon run out of global storage capacity. Birol added that demand recovery would neither be easy nor quick.

Birol also said he expected US oil production to decline significantly but then surprise the market on the upside when it recovers together with higher oil prices.

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