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作者: 2020年03月30日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據3月26日Offshore Energy報道,澳洲石油天然氣勘探商3D Oil和康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillips)已就塔斯馬尼亞近海許可T/49P簽署了一項聯合運營協議(JOA),該協議滿足了2019年12月簽署的出讓協議(FOA)的關鍵條件。

據3月26日Offshore Energy報道,澳洲石油天然氣勘探商3D Oil和康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillips)已就塔斯馬尼亞近海許可T/49P簽署了一項聯合運營協議(JOA),該協議滿足了2019年12月簽署的出讓協議(FOA)的關鍵條件。

3D Oil周四表示,在獲得政府批準后,轉讓將完成。根據JOA的條款,康菲澳大利亞公司作為運營方將持有許可證80%的權益。


3D Oil于2019年5月獲得了澳大利亞海上監管機構的批準,對T/49P區塊進行了名為“Dorrigo survey”的勘探。根據原始FOA的條款,3D Oil將保留T/49 25%的股權,但在進一步協商后,該公司決定將其在許可證中的權益降低到20%。這是作為減少聯合業務費用的交換條件。

根據修改后的FOA和JOA條款,在康菲石油澳大利亞公司完成一個探井或花費至少3000萬美元鉆探一個探井之前,3D Oil將承擔10%的聯合運營費用。


鄒勤 摘譯自 Offshore Energy


ConocoPhillips to take operatorship of permit offshore Australia

Australia’s 3D Oil Limited and ConocoPhillips have executed a joint operating agreement (JOA) in relation to the offshore Tasmanian Permit T/49P, which satisfies a key condition of the farmout agreement (FOA) signed in December 2019.

Completion of the farmout will occur following government approvals, 3D said on Thursday.

Under the terms of the JOA, ConocoPhillips Australia will hold an 80% interest in the permit and become operator.

Under the FOA, the company will receive a A$5 million ($3M) cash payment in recognition of previous permit expenditure and ConocoPhillips Australia will undertake the acquisition of a 3D seismic survey of not less than 1580 sq km within the permit to which the company will make no financial contribution.

3D Oil received an approval from the Australian offshore regulator for the survey over the T/49P – named the Dorrigo survey – in May 2019.

Under the terms of the original FOA, 3D Oil were to retain 25% equity in T/49 however following further negotiations the company has decided to reduce its interest in the permit to 20%. This is in exchange for a reduction in its exposure to joint operation expenses.

Under the terms of the revised FOA and JOA, 3D Oil will contribute 10% of the joint operation expenses until ConocoPhillips Australia has completed an exploration well or spent at least $30 million toward drilling of an exploration well.

In the event ConocoPhillips elects to drill such exploration well, the company will be carried for up to $30 million in drilling costs after which it will contribute 20% of costs in line with its interest in the permit.

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標簽:3D Oil 康菲石油 塔斯馬尼亞近海
