據Oil & Gas Journal網站3月10日報道 巴西國家石油公司已于巴西油氣公司CKL集團上游子公司Eagle Explora??o de óleo e Gás 簽署協議,以301萬美元的價格出售其在巴西Tucano盆地四個陸上油田的100%股權。
Concei??o、Quererá、Fazenda Matinha以及Fazenda Santa Rosa油田距離薩爾瓦多市110公里。2019年,這些油田的平均天然氣產量為26桶油當量/天,沒有石油產量。
吳恒磊 編譯自 Oil & Gas Journal
Petrobras signs agreement to sell onshore fields
Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) has signed an agreement with Eagle Explora??o de óleo e Gás Ltda., a Brazilian oil and gas company and the upstream arm of CKL Group., for the sale of 100% of its stakes in four onshore fields in the Tucano basin, Bahia, Brazil for $3.01 million.
Concei??o, Quererá, Fazenda Matinha, and Fazenda Santa Rosa lie 110 km from the city of Salvador. In 2019, average production of the fields was 26 boe/d of gas, with no oil production.
Closing is subject to the fulfillment of precedent conditions, such as approvals by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) and by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
Upon completion of the sale, Eagle will hold 100% interest in these concessions.