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作者: 2020年03月09日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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玻利維亞的碳氫化合物部長維克多·雨果·薩莫拉(VíctorHugo Zamora)對記者表示,這項擴建將為該國不景氣的經濟注入40億至60億美元,而在過去幾年中,由于天然氣出口停滯,這一增長速度有所放緩。他補充道,其保證了我們的收入,使我們能夠和平生活,滿足國家的經濟需求。



YPFB主席赫蘭·索里茲表示,首先,我們將確保我們今天生產的量可以滿足玻利維亞和巴國油的需求。 我們所做的是尋找YPFB和Petrobras之間可以交易的最大數量。


郝芬 譯自天然氣加工新聞網


Bolivia extends gas deal with Brazil's Petrobrasto 2026

The deal, signed in the city of Santa Cruz, is the eighth addendum to an agreement first struck in 1999, which expired at the end of last year with Bolivia locked in political turmoilafter long-term president Evo Morales resigned under pressure.

A short-term 90 day extension was agreed after it expired.

Bolivia’s minister of hydrocarbons, Víctor Hugo Zamora, told reporters that the extension would inject between $4 billion and 6 billion into the country’s flagging economy, which has slowed amid stalling gas exports over the last few years.

“It guarantees us income so that we can live in peace, covering the economic needs and demands of the state,” he added.

The tie-up between YPFB and Petrobras has created revenue of about $32 billion for Bolivia over the last two decades.

The new agreement, however, establishes a new daily sales volume of between 14 million and 20 million cubic meters, which is down from the level in the initial contract, which had been between around 24 million to 30 million cubicmeters per day.

“First we will assure the volumes that we can produce today as Bolivians and meet Petrobras’ demand requirements. What we did is look for the maximum volume that can be tradedbetween YPFB and Petrobras,” YPFB President Herland Soliz said.

The price of gas exports will be indexed to oil prices.

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標簽:YPFB 巴西國家石油 天然氣
