據世界能源網 2019年4月30日馬德里報道,西班牙油氣巨頭 雷普索爾周二在馬德里表示,由于成本下降和美元走強抵消了油氣價格下跌和利 比亞停產的影響,該公司第一季度經調整后的凈利潤比去年同期增長了6%。
今年前三個月,布倫特原油均價為每桶63美元,比去年同期下跌了5.5%。法國 道達爾公司上周表示,該公司第一季度利潤同比也出現減少。
統計數據顯示,雷普索爾公司第一季度經一次性收益和庫存效應調整后的經常性 凈利潤從去年年初的5.83億歐元增加到了6.18億歐元(6.91億美元)。
該公司提供的分析師預估顯示,經調整后凈收入為5.66億歐元。 雷普索爾公司表示,較低的勘探成本把第一季度營業收入推高到了1.22億歐元。 雷普索爾公司第一季度日產量從一年前的72.6萬桶下降至70萬桶,主要原因包 括利比亞停產、委內瑞拉天然氣需求下降、美國資產出售、維護活動以及油田產 量下降。但美國、加拿大和哥倫比亞的新油井投產、挪威的資產收購以及特立尼 達和多巴哥氣田的投產都提振了上游業務。但煉油利潤率從去年第一季的6.6美元降至5.3美元,降幅為20%。
李峻 編譯自 世界能源
Repsol's Q1 Net Profit Rises Spanish oil and gas firm Repsol said on Tuesday first quarter adjusted net profit rose 6 percent from a year earlier, as a fall in oil and gas prices and a halt to production in Libya were offset by lower costs and a stronger U.S. dollar. 2019/5/8 www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746332.htm http://www.sinopecnews.com.cn/news/content/2019-05/08/content_1746332.htm 2/2 The price of Brent crude averaged $63 per barrel in the first three months of the year, down 5.5 percent from the same period in 2018, which France's Total said last week had crimped its profits. Recurring net profit adjusted for one-off gains and inventory effects (CCS net profit) came in at 618 million euros ($691 million) for the January to March period, compared with 583 million euros at the beginning of 2018. A forecast drawn from analyst estimates provided by the company pointed to adjusted net income of 566 million euros. Lower exploration costs pushed up operating income by 122 million euros in the period, Repsol said. Production fell to 700,000 barrels per day from 726,000 a year ago, primarily due to a halt in production in Libya, lower gas demand in Venezuela, an asset sale in the United States, maintenance activities and the decline of fields. But the upstream unit was boosted by new wells in the United States, Canada and Colombia, acquisitions in Norway and the start-up of a gas field in Trinidad and Tobago. The refining margin fell 20 percent to $5.3 from $6.6 in the first quarter of last year.