absorber valve 吸收電子管
AC electromagnet for valve 閥用交流電磁鐵
acceleration valve 加速閥
accelerator pump outlet valve ball 加速器泵出油閥鋼球
accelerator valve 加速器閥
accumulator blowdown valve 蓄熱器排污閥
acid-proof valve 耐酸閥
acid-resistant stoneware valve 耐酸陶瓷閥門
acorn valve 橡實形電子管
actuated valve 控制閥
adjusting valve 調整閥
adjustment of valve clearance 調整閥隙
admission valve 進氣閥; 進汽閥; 進入閥
ageing of valve 電子管的老化
air admission valve 進空氣閥; 真空破壞閥
air back valve 空氣止回閥
air bleed valve 空氣量孔閥
air control valve 空氣調節閥
air cylinder valve bonnet 氣筒閥帽罩
air cylinder valve gland 氣筒閥壓蓋
air cylinder valve stem 氣筒閥桿
air cylinder valve 氣筒閥
air escape valve 放氣閥
air evacuation valve 排氣閥
air evaporation valve 抽氣閥
air inlet clack valve 進氣瓣閥; 進氣活門
air inlet dish valve 進氣圓盤閥
air inlet valve lever 進氣閥桿
air inlet valve 空氣進口閥
air line valve 送氣管閥門
air lock valve 氣閘閥
air operated reversing valve 氣動換向閥
air outlet valve 出氣閥; 排氣閥
air pressure valve 氣壓閥
air pump valve 氣泵閥
air reducing valve 空氣減壓閥
air release valve 放氣閥
air relief valve 放氣閥
air starting valve 空氣起動閥
air supply valve 供氣閥
air valve camshaft 空氣閥凸輪軸
air valve 空氣閥; 氣閥; 氣門
air vent valve 排氣孔閥; 噴氣孔閥; 調壓閥; 通氣閥; 通氣孔閥
air-compressor valve 空氣壓縮機閥門
air-cooling valve 氣冷閥
air-operated valve grinder 氣動閥門研磨機
alarm check valve (ACV) 報警單向閥
alarm valve 報警閥; 警報閥; 警報閥; 警告閥; 警告閥; 告警閥
alfalfa valve 灌溉水閥; 灌水栓
Allan valve 阿蘭滑閥; 阿倫滑閥; 蒸汽機滑閥
altitude valve (航空發動機的汽化器的可調整閥) 高度閥
altitude valve 高度節流閥; 高空空氣活門
ambu E valve 安布E式呼氣閥
ammonia valve 氨閥
amplifier valve 放大器電子管
anal valves 肛瓣
and valve gear 閥及閥動裝置
and valve gear 閥及閥動裝置
aneroid valve 膜盒閥
angle back-pressure valve 背壓角閥
angle check valve 直角型單向閥
angle of valve seat 閥座角
angle stop valve 角形斷流閥
angle valve 角閥
angular radiator valve 角形散熱器閥
annular plate valve 環形閥
annular ring valve 環形閥
annular valve 環形閥; 環狀閥
anterior semilunar valve 前半月瓣
antiflood valve 防洪閥
anti-flood valve 防洪閘
antiflooding valve 滿水保護閥
anti-g valve 防超重活門
anti-G-valve 抗重力閥
anti-suffocation valve 防窒息活門
antisurge valve 防喘振活門
antivoid valve 真空安全閥
aorta valve dilator 主動脈瓣擴張器
aorta valve knife 主動脈瓣刀
aortic valve 主動脈瓣
application control valve 作用控制閥
application valve body 控制閥體
application valve bracket 控制閥托架
application valve conver 控制閥蓋
application valve cover gasket 操縱閥蓋墊密片
application valve pin 操縱閥銷
application valve spring 控制閥簧
application valve 控制閥
Arnott valve 阿諾特式閥門
artificial mitral valve 人工二尖瓣
artificial valve replacement 人工瓣膜置換
artificial valve 人工瓣膜
ash valve 排灰閥
aspirating valve 吸出閥
atmospheric relief valve 大氣安全閥
atmospheric valve 放空閥
atmos-valve 大氣閥
atresis of aortic valve 主動脈瓣閉鎖
atrio-ventricular valve 房室瓣
auger with valve (鉆淺井用) 帶閥螺旋鉆具
auger with valve 帶閥土鉆
auricular ball valve thrombus 心房球瓣樣血栓
automanual transfer valve 半自動輸送閥
automatic air valve 自動氣閥
automatic ball valve 自動球閥
automatic blowdown valve 自動排污閥
automatic brake valve 自動制動閥
automatic by pass valve 自動旁通閥
automatic check valve 自動止回閥
automatic control valve body 自動控制閥體
automatic control valve 自動控制閥
automatic drain valve 自動放泄閥
automatic exhaust steam valve 自動排氣閥
automatic expansion valve 自動膨脹閥; 自動膨脹滑閥
automatic fuel drain valve 自動放油閥
automatic fuel spray valve 自動噴油閥
automatic intercepting valve 自動遮斷閥
automatic jet control valve 自動噴射調整閥